Monday, March 30, 2009

NRA Offers More Proof of Right to Carry Arms

NRA: Yep, read this. Now, if each resident of that nursing home had been carrying an BAR, some them would still be alive. Police: Gunman's estranged wife worked at home

CARTHAGE, N.C. (AP) — Investigators are looking into whether a gunman accused of killing eight people in a North Carolina nursing home may have targeted the facility because his estranged wife worked there, police said Monday.

Carthage Police Chief Chris McKenzie said the woman, who he did not name, worked at the nursing home. He said he believed that the couple were recently separated but that he did not have any other details. He was not sure if the woman was at the nursing home at the time of the shootings.

Authorities said Robert Stewart, 45, went on a terrifying rampage in the Pinelake Health and Rehab center on Sunday morning, killing seven residents and a nurse and wounding three others.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Logic Explains AIG Bonuses

Ailing AIG stands by need for bonuses

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner initially objected to the $165 million in payments but agreed the losses could be greater if employees are not retained.
By E. Scott Reckard and Jim Puzzanghera March 15, 2009
Reasoning: Geithner: After all, only about 10% of the 170 billion is being used for bonuses. US citizen: But, that is 165 million. Geithner: Exactly. They will use 90% to keep the brightest and best. Otherwise they may quit to find better jobs. US citizen: Aren't the the ones who brought AIG to the brink of collapse in the first place? How would they find better jobs in this economy?
Geithner: Maybe Dubya was right about US citizens not knowing how the economy works.
Tsk, tsk. We need to educate you.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do You Know Who I Am?? The Great Me????

David Vitter: Did Madoff go to jail? Neither will I. Rules are different

for us rich. Like it or lump it, peasants!!!!

TSA Probing Vitter Incident

The Transportation Security Administration is examining Sen. David Vitter's much-reported decision to open the closed gateway door to his plane -- even though he was warned against it by an airline worker.

"We will be reviewing the alleged incident," Lauren Gaches, a TSA spokeswoman, told On Call this evening.

Roll Call first reported that Vitter, a Louisiana Republican known to the wider Washington world for showing up in the phone records of the DC madam, set off the security alarm Thursday when he tried to board a United Airlines flight from Washington Dulles to New Orleans. Vitter arrived at the gate 20 minutes before departure, and having been denied access to the plane, spiraled into what Roll Call called a "timeworn 'do-you-know-who-I-am' tirade" that "grew quite heated." He set off the security alarm when he opened the door, a spy told the paper.