Monday, June 24, 2013

Louisiana Agast! Only 48th Worst Place To Raise Kid In.

Louisiana politicians: We demand a recount. We are always 1st in bad things and last in good things. To say we are only 3rd from the bottom in places to raise children is a damnable lie. Shit, we'll cut more aid to the poor and ill, do research to find out if it is possible for us to destroy secondary education more than we have, and give ourselves raises for all this work. Then, everyone will have to admit we are the worst.

Hey, Jindal, let's refresh your agenda.

Monday, June 10, 2013

NRA: We Cause The Economy From Going Bankrupt.

NRA: Think about it. If a restriction is placed on guns, then the crime rate will decline. This means 
           fewer murders, armed robberies, assaults, etc. This, in turn, means less need of detectives,
           policemen, deputies, etc. When they are out of jobs, who will support their families?

            Bottom line: We help feed America.