Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Furgeson: Both Sides Spew Truth

Authorities: We gave grand jury decision at 9:00 PM, making everyone wait for hours, because we are stupid.

Rioters: Self-defense? Justice? Rule of Law? WE. DON'T CARE!. A white cop killed an unarmed black man.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

So? What's Your Point? Ferguson, Let's Put It In Simple Terms So That All Can Understand.

The new analysis of the autopsy results was released on Wednesday by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which asked two independent experts who were not involved in the investigation—one of them, the St. Louis County Medical examiner—to review the available evidence.
Their report says that Brown was shot in the hand at very close range and his blood and other tissue were found both inside and outside the car. Wilson has reportedly told investigators that he fought with Brown inside his police SUV and that Brown attempted to take his gun.
St. Louis medical examiner Dr. Michael Graham told the paper that the autopsy "does support that there was a significant altercation at the car.” The other expert, forensic pathologist Judy Melinek, went even further, saying that the wound on Brown's hand "supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun" and adding that another shot, which went through Brown's forearm, means Brown could not have facing Wilson with his hands up when he was shot, an apparent contradiction of the now iconic "hands up, don't shoot" posture adopted by protesters in Ferguson.

The bottom line: Do you want riots, looting, burning, and mob-violence? Yes? Simple, do not indite the cop. No? Simple, put the cop in prison.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What If The Grand Jury Does Not Indite In The Cop Who Killed Brown Because He Is Not Guilty Of A Crime

Response: What!!! What does being "guilty of a crime" have to do with anything? We want him indited and jailed. We don't care anything about why he shot Brown, he is to be punished. The cop feared for his life? Brown was charging him? A bear shits in the woods! The sun is hot! So what?

If we loot, rob, riot, etc, now, can you imagine what we will do if the grand jury does not indite? We don't need to know the facts of this issue, because we don't care! We don't care about what really happened, because we made up our minds about what happened regardless of what is brought out in the investigation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Some Truth About Ferguson That Affects Justice

The governor of Missouri  stated he wants the cop prosecuted with vigor. He did not say to do this if the cop was indicted, he just said to do it.

 Brown's friend who was with him admits Brown stole the cigars, the family lawyer admitted it, and the video shows the theft, but most of the rioters still denied it. What would they do if it is objectively shown that the cop was justified in shooting Brown?

The rioters want justice as long as it fits their pre-conceived notion of what should happen to the cop.

If the objective facts prove that Wilson was justified in shooting Brown then the looters, thugs, and rioters, will have a field day-after-day looting, stealing, and rioting.

The Grand Jury investigating the shooting knows this. Can it do a fair job with justice even if it means they conclude the cop was justified in shooting Wilson? Or, will they indict him to prevent rioting and looting even if it concludes the shooting was justified.

The thugs, looters, and rioters want justice. If objective justice proves that the officer was justified in shooting Brown, then will they want mob justice which will not accept anything other than conviction of the policeman regardless of facts?

Monday, May 26, 2014

"Guns For All" Responds To Richard Martinez's Rage Against NRA and Gun Lovers

A national orginization, GFA, Guns For All, stands up for NRA and politicians who support NRA due to the money it gives them.

GFA: We have 3  points to make in response to Richard Martinez's cry for the insanity of gun violence to stop:

      a. If each person had his or her own gun then that killer could have been shot to doll rags in a second. True, many more innocents would have been killed in all that shooting, but we have to pay a price for the freedom to own guns.

     b. The NRA has the money to grease the pockets of politicians, and if they want to use it this way, so be it. No one forces the members of the Grand Old Party to accept it. Simply put: money talks. If Mr. Martinez wants the insanity to stop, let him get rich enough to fill the coffers so they vote the other way.

     c. Hip, hip, hooray, for the NRA, guns, and money to influence GOP to be on our side.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Will Pervert Babysit For Judge Who Kept Him Out Of Prison And For The Judge's Apologist, Richard D.Kirk, Who Defends Her Actions?

Everyone wants to know. Will pervert, Robert Richards, babysit for his new Best Friend Forever, Judge Jan Jurden and her knight-defender, Richard D. Kirk without charge? Will they vie to see who will get him as a neighbor? If asked, would he say the following?

Monday, March 31, 2014

Wow! New Standard For Being In Prison: Will You Fare Well?

A Delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced probation after a state Superior Court judge ruled he "will not fare well" in prison.
In her decision, Judge Jan Jurden suggested Robert H. Richards IV would benefit more from treatment. Richards, who was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009, is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. The light sentence has only became public as the result of a subsequent lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, which charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently assaulted his son as well.
Richards is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont, a chemical baron.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

WOW! Can It Be True That LA Gov Jindal Did Not Think Of This First?

Wisconsin Cuts Back On Cancer Program For Low-Income Women, Blaming Obamacare

Hey, Jindal, insist it was your original idea and do what you do best: treat it like it is higher education in Louisiana or like it is Medicaid for poor people in Louisiana: just gut it.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another School Shooting. Hurry NRA, Let's Hear Your Rationalizations!!!

ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — Officials in southern New Mexico say a shooting at a Roswell middle school Tuesday morning left at least two children injured and a suspect is in custody.
Brooke Linthicum of Eastern New Mexico Regional Medical Center says the two children were being treated following the shooting at Berrendo Middle School, but she had no information on the type or extent of their injuries.
Roswell police say the suspected shooter was arrested Tuesday and the school was placed on lockdown. Police say children will be bused to a nearby mall where parents can pick up them up. Word of the shooting was posted on the Roswell Police Department's Facebook page.
"We believe there are injuries but to what extent we don't know yet," said New Mexico State Police spokesman Damyan Brown.
Roswell has been rocked by gang violence in recent years and has asked Homeland Security Investigations to step in and help.

Quiz: How Will NRA Explain This?

l. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.
2. Arm all the teachers and school children so they can protect themselves.
3. Ha, big deal! No one got killed.
4. Make it mandatory that everyone carry automatic weapons.