Monday, May 26, 2014

"Guns For All" Responds To Richard Martinez's Rage Against NRA and Gun Lovers

A national orginization, GFA, Guns For All, stands up for NRA and politicians who support NRA due to the money it gives them.

GFA: We have 3  points to make in response to Richard Martinez's cry for the insanity of gun violence to stop:

      a. If each person had his or her own gun then that killer could have been shot to doll rags in a second. True, many more innocents would have been killed in all that shooting, but we have to pay a price for the freedom to own guns.

     b. The NRA has the money to grease the pockets of politicians, and if they want to use it this way, so be it. No one forces the members of the Grand Old Party to accept it. Simply put: money talks. If Mr. Martinez wants the insanity to stop, let him get rich enough to fill the coffers so they vote the other way.

     c. Hip, hip, hooray, for the NRA, guns, and money to influence GOP to be on our side.