Saturday, December 15, 2007
Dubya: Report Is Proof My Agenda Has Worked
Friday, December 7, 2007
Save the Environment: Feed Kangaroos Beans
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Ahamadinejad: US intelligence review says we are good. We win.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
National Political Correctness Contest: Who Can Be The First To Boot Christ Out Of Christmas?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
GOP Aghast!!! The Rich Should Pay More?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pit Stop No-Mor
No Atheist Here!!!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Computer Virisus Now Named For Politicians
How would we have named non-terrorist viruses just a few years ago?
Ij You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em.
All I need is a little lipstick, dress, and rouge, and I'll be nice. Wait and See
says serial killer.
How Booze Can Help
Racism Defined
This $ could be used for minority scholarships which isn't racist.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Kitties Just Wanna Have Fun
Gauranteed to work
Ben Hur's Baby Picture

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Another Mystery Solved By Bex
You know you, like everone else, have wondered if pop singers are born or trained to be stars.
If you train them before they can breathe on their own, you have it made.
A star 's beginning
Friday, June 29, 2007
NUW Socks It To Bex Again

Bex wanted to show blonde jokes are just so much crap so they would stop.Sent Apple computer to blonde who has a PhD in PC computers. Wanted to show world how fast she could master this different technology
Waited 5 minutes and burst in with camera.
Blonde with first Apple.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Prez Dubya Bush Reacts To Charges Of GOP Corruption And Incompetence

Dubya, sir, you are a lame-duck Prez who could not be elected to a dog-catcher post now. All America resents you because your incompetence and support of corrupt practices paved the way for Queen Hillary to become the next President. You should be ashamed. Dubya, sir, how do you respond to the feelings of Americans.
That's easy.
Singings Presidents Are Patriots
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Average Woman, Jane Doe, Asked About Politics

Jane Doe, you are a typical American citizen and voter who represents what all Americans feel about their politicians. True, they are noted for their greed and corruption, but maybe it could be different. I understand you have the same opinion of both the GOP and DNC. Please inform the public about your opinion of politicians.
My pleasure.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Dubya Speaks His Own Thoughts
Age-Old Mystery Finally Solved

Origin of flies revealed at last.
Witch Hunters At School
We'll teach 'em to be gay.
Well! The nerve. Giving our 1st graders books about the Prince wooing and winning the though they were afraid we would shirk our duty.School says,
Hmmph! You parents would have waited until the 2nd grade, when it should have been taught at birth.School teaches 1st graders that "Gay Is Best"
Pavarotti Loves Elephants
Do not listen unless you are an elephant
Be Lonely No More
Jacko Incognito
Test Your Vision
Hey, this is easy to do.
CA Gov Schwartzie To Rescue
I'll just cut more Medicade and aid for sissy, disabled kids.
But Schwartzie, we already did that to enable tax cuts for the rich.
You idiots. Aren't some getting some aid? Cut that and charge a fee for doing so. Throw them in jail untill they pay.
Don't worry. This won't last long.
Can You Believe This? "Religion Of Love And Peace" Blamed
Why, we'd as soon blame the kindergarten children than to even harbor a thought that such murdering activities could be attributed to followers of Islam.
Read this article written by some prejudiced people.
Dangers Of Solubility
Sunday, June 24, 2007
How Dubya Sees Himself
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Sould Emmigrants Be Required To Read English

Friday, June 22, 2007
University Of Georgia Out To Fail Jocks
A good education is more important than winning. If they can't pass, they are out.
No fair. No one could pass now regardless of IQ.Bex displays purloined copy of test for public.
A Good Offense Is The Best Defense
Help for Teen-Age Girls

Get An Expert

K-9 Fireworks
The Truth Can Be Crude
Thursday, June 21, 2007
NOW Explains The "Lady" Song
Dubya Reads

Dubya, everyone knows you are as dumb as a bucket of rocks, but have small children ever noticed?
Only that time I thought I was reading Greek to them at the library.
Dubya Force-Fed Truth Serum

Dubya, sir, it is a welll-know fact that the GOP cares only for the richer and richest. You just drank an extra large dose of truth serum, so answer this question. Have you or the GOP ever done anything nice to a person you feel is inferior?Dubya:
Hell, no! Oh, just a minute...I once pretended to like an inferior during a photo opt.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bex Is Here To Protect
It is hard to believe, but some people will scam you if given a chance. Would you like to know how to absolutely make yourself scam-proof?
Unfortunately, this can't be free due to the cost overruns in the research.However, the charge will only be my actual cost.
Send $10 (cash only) and the phone call is free.
More Dubya Truth: Get Barf Bag Ready
Dubya, is there anything in your administration that reminds you of Clinton?
Well, now that you mention it...
Lord Of The Pandas
Bex Enlightens The Masses
Punishment not appropiate for scum who just made real woman out of girl. Jails should be abolished. All society's fault. Conservatives will try to use this as excuse to mete out punishment rather than counseling.Bleeding-hearts:
Our proof that we are right is that even the mother was unaware. If something was really going on, how could she not know? If she was aware, we would send her and the abusers to double counseling.Conservatives:
Still don't believe in the death penalty?
Cry-Baby Whines Because She Has To Obey Law Like Rest Of Us
The hospital said I owed $17,000, but could not inform of any connection between the patient and me because of Privacy Laws.Myhusband had just run off, I owe bills, and now I have to come up with $17,000.GOP to rescue:
You ought to be in prison doing hard time. All you care about is yourself. What about everyone else who respects our laws. Granted, the victim in hospital died due to hit-and-run, and he was your husband, and he couldn't give consent, because he was dead, but that's no excuse to disrespect the santity of our laws.
Bex Is Taken Down A Peg Or Two

Sunday, June 17, 2007
How Earth Was Saved
World Agast As The Impossible Found In USA
It's a fake publication, sort of like on April Fool's Day.AT&T fired employee, because his Christian values would not let him bow and scrape before Gays.
Ha! We took the politically correct side, because it is the fad of today. Can you believe that we lost? This will be easily overturned. That court must be a relic from the Middle Ages.World gasps as a US court actually rules for Christian rights.
Dirty Cop Gets Justice
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sissy Guards Want Stab-Proof Vests
Silly Guards Want Stab Proof Vests
Higher-ups say,
Talk to them. Counsel them. Show them you trust them. Don't treat them like criminals.Silly guards say,
They are criminals. We don't trust them. We want stab proof vests.Criminal prisoners say,
Of course you can trust us. Let's all make nice.SELF DEFENSELESS: "We want staff to talk to prisoners, to see how they're doing," says Tim Krause, spokesman for Corrections Canada, the country's prison authority. That's the thinking behind a new policy for all maximum-security prisons: guards may no longer wear "stab-proof" vests. "If you have that kind of presence symbolized by [such protective gear], you're sending a signal to the prisoner that you consider him to be a dangerous person." The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers is protesting the new rule. Several guards are flouting the regulation, wearing vests they purchased themselves. (Edmonton Sun) ...While inmates are anxious to test for the presence of vests, using shivs they made themselves.
Prez Dubya Gets Support
Solution For Low-Flush Toilets
Dick Preps Rice

Unvarnished truth.
Dubya, how did Rice prep for the 9-ll hearings?Dubya:
With the master of B.S.
Prez Dubya And College Grads
Dubya, what do the youth of America say about your economic policy?Dubya:
See for yourself. Talk to a college graduate.
Dubya Brags About Economy
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dubya Explains Why Dick Is Boss
Dubya, it's pathetic how Dick controls you. How did this ever get started?Dubya:
Well, we had our own show, and it just snowballed.
Is Your Counting Ability Up To Par?
Can You Really, Really, Count ?
So, you say you can count, huh? Prove it, because others say you can't.
How many people are in the picture? Count carefully, wait about 6-7 seconds seconds and count again.
Your chance to prove you can count.ACLU: We WILL Take Credit
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Dubya Expresses Greetings
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Crybaby Wants To Get rich

Anyone can make a mistake. Haven't you ever spilled milk or dropped an egg?
Did the world end? You guessed it. Now she wants to sue.
A SYDNEY, Australia -- Eighteen months after colon surgery, a 69-year-old woman in Sydney discovered that surgeons at St. Geoge Hospital in Sidney left a pair of scissors in her abdomen.
Although the mishap was reported, the operating team was not disciplined, said the hospital's chief executive, David Pearce.
Satan On Holliday
Satan is on a 3-day holiday as he sips a drink, smiles, and gloats,
I've always worked hard for the damnation of souls. With all the criminals, murder, rapes, etc., sometimes it's easy. But, the absolute best, beyond any question, is state-sponsored murder.
This evil is justified by a law.I just love it.
The Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet Gulag, Christian persercution, and now abortion. I can relax a day or two while I watch my underlings do their best to prepare a place for others next to them in my kingdom.The icing on he cake is when Catholics, who are taught from birth that abortion is morally wrong, promote it.
Yep. They do me proud.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Prez Dubya And Math

Truth can hurt.
Dubya, you can barely read and write, but what about math?Dubya:
It's my best subject.
Bex Presents More Truth To Make You Barf
Friday, June 8, 2007
Bashful Guys' Can Win True Love
Boys, are you in love with a beautiful girl but are too bashful to speak up?
Impress her with a message from your own personal ninja.
Write your love note in the bottom box of "send your own message"
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Paris Hilton: The Real Reason Why I Was Released!
Surely everyone knows that I am filthy rich, spoiled, and laws that apply or ordinary peasants do not apply to the famous, rich, pampered, brats. I was cold, was served a hot dog...etc. Can you imagine? Me, the great ME getting treated I was one of you.