Saturday, December 15, 2007

Dubya: Report Is Proof My Agenda Has Worked

Report Says That the Rich Are Getting Richer Faster, Much Faster Mario Tama/Getty Images At the New York Stock Exchange. Investments have been a big source of rising wealth. By DAVID CAY JOHNSTONPublished: December 15, 2007
The increase in incomes of the top 1 percent of Americans from 2003 to 2005 exceeded the total income of the poorest 20 percent of Americans, data in a new report by the Congressional Budget Office shows.
The poorest fifth of households had total income of $383.4 billion in 2005, while just the increase in income for the top 1 percent came to $524.8 billion, a figure 37 percent higher. The total income of the top 1.1 million households was $1.8 trillion, or 18.1 percent of the total income of all Americans, up from 14.3 percent of all income in 2003. The total 2005 income of the three million individual Americans at the top was roughly equal to that of the bottom 166 million Americans, analysis of the report showed.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Save the Environment: Feed Kangaroos Beans

Thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo flatulence contains no methane and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep who emit large quantities of the harmful gas. While the usual image of greenhouse gas pollution is a billowing smokestack pushing out carbon dioxide, livestock passing wind contribute a surprisingly high percentage of total emissions in some countries. "Fourteen percent of emissions from all sources in Australia is from enteric methane from cattle and sheep," said Athol Klieve, a senior research scientist with the Queensland state government. "And if you look at another country such as New Zealand, which has got a much higher agricultural base, they're actually up around 50 percent," he told AFP. Researchers say the bacteria also makes the digestive process much more efficient and could potentially save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers. "Not only would they not produce the methane, they would actually get something like 10 to 15 percent more energy out of the feed they are eating," said Klieve. Even farmers who laugh at the idea of environmentally friendly kangaroo farts say that's nothing to joke about, particularly given the devastating drought Australia is suffering. "In a tight year like a drought situation, 15 percent would be a considerable sum," said farmer Michael Mitton. But it will take researchers at least three years to isolate the bacteria, before they can even start to develop a way of transferring it to cattle and sheep. Another group of scientists, meanwhile, has suggested Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos. The idea is controversial, but about 20 percent of health conscious Australians are believed to eat the national symbol already. "It's low in fat, it's got high protein levels it's very clean in the sense that basically it's the ultimate free range animal," said Peter Ampt of the University of New South Wales's institute of environmental studies. "It doesn't get drenched, it doesn't get vaccinated, it utilizes food right across the landscape, it moves around to where the food is good, so yes, it's a good food." It might take a while for kangaroos to become popular barbecue fare, but with concern over global warming growing in the world's driest inhabited continent, Australians could soon be ready to try almost anything to cut emissions.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ahamadinejad: US intelligence review says we are good. We win.

TEHRAN, Iran - A new U.S. intelligence review concluding Iran stopped developing an atomic weapons program in 2003 is a "declaration of victory" for Iran's nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.
Bex asks: Whoa, isn't this the same U.S. intelligence that concluded Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

National Political Correctness Contest: Who Can Be The First To Boot Christ Out Of Christmas?

A frantic-paced race among big businesses in America to win the race to be politically correct during Christmas time. They are racing to call:
a. Christmas trees, "Holiday Day trees"
b. Christmas time, "Holiday time"
c. Merry Christmas, " Happy Holiday"
d. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, "The Grinch Who Stole the Holiday"
Liberal judges, educators, and politicians will be the judges. The penalties for losing will be fines, jail time, and lashes.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cat In The Hat For Golden Oldies

Hey Oldies, this description fits you to a tee, doesn't it?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

GOP Aghast!!! The Rich Should Pay More?

GOP: Anything but our pals paying their fair share. They are rich and deserve special treatment. The poor don't have as many bills to pay such as food, housing, and clothing. Hell, they can't afford to eat well, get good medical care, and their houses are hovels compared to our mansions. Hence, they don't need much money.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hillary Laughs At GOP Corruption

The GOP is running against me for Prez, but I'm laughing, because those dolts have handed the election to me on a silver platter. Their bottomless corrution have turned people away from them, which will allow a baby-killer advocate like me to win.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Some Blowhard Puffing Himself Too Much? Sure-fire way shut him up. Method must be used sparingly. PETA upset that Bex reveals secret method. Caution: You aren't fond of crudeness? Skip! Stop his bragging

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Who do You Want To Cover Your Back?

Beauty is only skin deep, isn't it?
The bad guys are almost upon you. You need help. You are outnumbered 10 to 1.
There are two possible sources of help. Either will help you fight if take her to the dance later that night.
You can choose only one.Who will you choose?

What Really Happened To The Three Bllind Mice That Ran After The Farmer's Wife?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pit Stop No-Mor

Your over active bladder makes road trips something to dred due to pit stop at every restroom? Getting tired of this?
Simple solution:
Use the latest "Pit Stop No-Mor" to take the trip.

k\Think Twice Before You Act

You want a bite, but he does not want to share? So, you decide to take it all? A death wish , man. You know who he is?

No Atheist Here!!!

This guy was driving left to right, ran into the guard rail, flipped over, and landed just as shown in the top pictue.
Now look at the bottom picture to put things into perspective.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Computer Virisus Now Named For Politicians

Cyber-terrorists try daily to crash the US. Each virus has an exotic name cloaked as something good.
How would we have named non-terrorist viruses just a few years ago?

Ij You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em.

NUW, National Union of Women, not practicing what they preach, ie, equality.
Young man wants to undergo gender change and just be one of the gals. NUW having hissy fit just because young man hates women and is in prison as a serial killer of women.
Surely, he won't hate himself if he becomes a woman.

All I need is a little lipstick, dress, and rouge, and I'll be nice. Wait and See

says serial killer.

How Booze Can Help

Hey, all you alkies. Tired of constant nagging to stop drinking? Show those nagees some of the,

Racism Defined

Part of university angry at race-based scholarship.
Heck, isn't this the norm for universities these days? Yeh, but this time it's restricted to white studens. White? White? Why, those, those racists.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Kitties Just Wanna Have Fun

All your life you wanted a black cat, but your Mom said no, because it is bad luck.
So, she gets you one of another color.
Bex shows you how to turn it black.
Gauranteed to work

Ben Hur's Baby Picture

You saw the movie Ben Hur with Charlton Heston. Bex did some research on the real Ben Hur. Found the only existing baby picture. If alive, Ben's Mom would coo, Yep! That's my boy.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

How To Beat Flu Season

Can't afford to stop working when you are sick?
Don't worry. Try this.

Another Mystery Solved By Bex

You know you, like everone else, have wondered if pop singers are born or trained to be stars.
If you train them before they can breathe on their own, you have it made.
A star 's beginning

Tiny Hero To Rescue Beautiful Girl

Remember when the bullies kicked sand in your face, and you couldn't wait to grow up and get even?
Well, sadly, the bullies got bigger, too.

PETA Gets Punk'd

Renegade PETA member tired of eating all veggies. Breaks vows and sticks it to former club members.

Friday, June 29, 2007

NUW Socks It To Bex Again

Bex tried to make friends with NUW, National Union of Women, to show sorrow for past chauvinistic behavior. Only made things worse.
Bex wanted to show blonde jokes are just so much crap so they would stop.Sent Apple computer to blonde who has a PhD in PC computers. Wanted to show world how fast she could master this different technology
Waited 5 minutes and burst in with camera.
Blonde with first Apple.

Prez Dubya bush Leaves Legacy

Dubya, sir, what have you to say to all the American children as you prepare to leave office? Can you say something to fortify their resolve for the future.
Of course.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Prez Dubya Bush Reacts To Charges Of GOP Corruption And Incompetence

Dubya, sir, you are a lame-duck Prez who could not be elected to a dog-catcher post now. All America resents you because your incompetence and support of corrupt practices paved the way for Queen Hillary to become the next President. You should be ashamed. Dubya, sir, how do you respond to the feelings of Americans.
That's easy.

Singings Presidents Are Patriots

Some Presidents of the USA can sing better than many rock stars. All good citizens should listen to this rare recording showing
Singings Presidents Are Patriots

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Average Woman, Jane Doe, Asked About Politics

Jane Doe, you are a typical American citizen and voter who represents what all Americans feel about their politicians. True, they are noted for their greed and corruption, but maybe it could be different. I understand you have the same opinion of both the GOP and DNC. Please inform the public about your opinion of politicians.
Jane Doe:
My pleasure.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Dubya Speaks His Own Thoughts

Dubya, sir, your term is almost over. All of America sees you as an incompetent dolt, but how do you see yourself in your own mind?
Well, Bex, I try to be modest, but ...

Age-Old Mystery Finally Solved

From the time of recorded history mankind has been fascinated with, of all things, flies.Not in flies as flies, but as to origin.They always seem to be around in rotten food, dead animals, and poo. Much scientific time has been wasted on researching the connection.
Finally, even maggots were eliminated as the source and scientists admitted defeat.
That is, until now. Bex has found the solution. It is not pretty, but it is a fact of life. Bex reveals this secret in the interest of science.
Origin of flies revealed at last.
Dubya, We know you aren't too swift on the uptake, but what about the rumors that the Vice Prez calls the shots?

Witch Hunters At School

Young children's minds are easy to mold, to teach moral values, to teach wrong from right. What better time to teach that gay lifestyle is normal, good, and makes you live happily ever after.
School says,
We'll teach 'em to be gay.
Parents say,
Well! The nerve. Giving our 1st graders books about the Prince wooing and winning the though they were afraid we would shirk our duty.
School says,
Hmmph! You parents would have waited until the 2nd grade, when it should have been taught at birth.
School teaches 1st graders that "Gay Is Best"

3D In 2D

Pavarotti Loves Elephants

Pavarotti is retired. That is, he no longer sings for the public. But he has a special bond with elephants. He,..he loves them.

Free Medical Test

Test for Parkinsons Disease
Free important medical test

Be Lonely No More

It's very rough. All by yourself with no one to entertain you.
Bex to the rescue. Click on one the the faces above. (Middle one really likes you so click mouse in his frame)
Use cursor in the picture.
here i am

Jacko Incognito

Many people have made fun of Jacko just because he likes to share his love with little boys.
Bex is appealing for your help to fix his face so he can go without being recognized. Whoever does the best job will win two weeks' vacation at Never Never Land.

Test Your Vision

Do you like those pictures where the eyes follow you everywhere?
Would you like to learn how to do this trick?
Click the link, use mouse and cursor on the eye, and do the same with your eye.
Hey, this is easy to do

CA Gov Schwartzie To Rescue

Arnold aghast to hear California school cut all sports due to budget crunch. Schwartzie says,
I'll just cut more Medicade and aid for sissy, disabled kids.
Aids respond,
But Schwartzie, we already did that to enable tax cuts for the rich.
Schwartzie answers,
You idiots. Aren't some getting some aid? Cut that and charge a fee for doing so. Throw them in jail untill they pay.
Don't worry. This won't last long.

Can You Believe This? "Religion Of Love And Peace" Blamed

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Some mean-minded people are blaming the followers of Islam for the brutal murders in Spain.To foster this, some fakes are taking credit for it while claiming, falsely of course, to be members of that saintly religion.
Heard around enlightened people,
Why, we'd as soon blame the kindergarten children than to even harbor a thought that such murdering activities could be attributed to followers of Islam.
Read this article written by some prejudiced people.

Dangers Of Solubility

Did you ever stop to think about what could happen if you woke up one morning and were soluble?
Could this happen to you?

How Ice Cream Is Really Made

It starts off as only one flavor, and sellers make 100% profit.

Dubya Reveals Leadership Secrets

Dubya, sir, what one thing do you most attribute to forming the legacy of your presidency?
My daily reading of this great book.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Dubya Sees Himself

Dubya, What do voters think of you when they see you in that fancy flight uniform?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

One Of Jacko's Little Friends Tries To Escape

Barry Bonds Defines Baseball

Barry Bonds is known for his homerun power.

Barry, what's with all these lies about you and others beefing up on steroids? All of America believe you do take the drugs.


Well Bex, they are all liars, and I assure you that only know the truth.

Sould Emmigrants Be Required To Read English

Some states are debating on whether immigrants should be required to be literate in English.
You hear all sorts of theoritical and political reasons.
Here is one practical reason

Friday, June 22, 2007

University Of Georgia Out To Fail Jocks

Decides to set example wih hopes other universities will follow example. No more free grades or easy tests for players. They must now really work.
Coaches say,
A good education is more important than winning. If they can't pass, they are out.
Players say,
No fair. No one could pass now regardless of IQ.
Bex displays purloined copy of test for public.

A Good Offense Is The Best Defense

Let's say a complete stranger sits next to you. What are his intentions: To merely sit? To kill you? To molest you? To ignore you? Can you afford to assume this stranger is innocent, benign, and has no evil intention? Of course not.
Defend yourself in advance.
He/she won't try that again anytime soon

Help for Teen-Age Girls

Let's face it, girls. How many of you have parents that approve of your boy friends? They always complain, bitch, find fault, criticize, nag, and fuss about anything to do with him. Yeh, you know what I mean.
How would you like them to embrace, hug, brag about, and welcome him?
It's easy if you do it right. Just give them a little nudge in the right direction by renting a Parent-Nudger.
Present the Parent-Nudger as your new boy friend, and see how quickly they love the old one.
Guaranteed to work.

From The Mouth Of Innocent Youth

In today's world it is hard to find anyone who is not cynical. The best way to find unvarnished, unadulterated truth is to find someone who does not know how to lie.
This requirement excludes politicians. Let's see what one such person does when he is asked to define, "Stupid".

Get An Expert

Anyone in his right mind wants someone who really knows his stuff to hire for jobs.
Sometimes it's hard to know who knows what he's doing.
There is only one way to find out before he's hired.
You can know for certain

K-9 Fireworks

Is the 4th of July only for Americans to celebrate?
Why can't man's best friend join in?
Fellow poochies, do not be left out anymore.

The Truth Can Be Crude

The following link leads to a well-know truth that eveyone knows at the age of reason.
It is designed to help you form your lifestyle. Delicate sensibilities should maybe pass it up.
Never forget: Bubba and Tyrone are waiting for you.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

NOW Explains The "Lady" Song

Beautiful women have long inspired works of art, poems, songs, and hard work. A big hit was the song, "Lady", when it first came out.

See what inspired it.

Simulations For Those With Vivid Imaginations

Dubya Reads

Dubya, everyone knows you are as dumb as a bucket of rocks, but have small children ever noticed?
Only that time I thought I was reading Greek to them at the library.

Brace Yourself: More Barfing Truth.

Dubya, sir, everyone says you care only about the rich who give you and the GOP huge donations. What are your real feelings about the poor?
My feelings about them have never been secret.

Dubya Force-Fed Truth Serum

Dubya, sir, it is a welll-know fact that the GOP cares only for the richer and richest. You just drank an extra large dose of truth serum, so answer this question. Have you or the GOP ever done anything nice to a person you feel is inferior?

Hell, no! Oh, just a minute...I once pretended to like an inferior during a photo opt.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bex Is Here To Protect


It is hard to believe, but some people will scam you if given a chance. Would you like to know how to absolutely make yourself scam-proof?

Unfortunately, this can't be free due to the cost overruns in the research.

However, the charge will only be my actual cost.

Send $10 (cash only) and the phone call is free.

More Dubya Truth: Get Barf Bag Ready

Another session of forced truth.
Dubya, is there anything in your administration that reminds you of Clinton?
Well, now that you mention it...

Lord Of The Pandas

Did you ever wonder who was behind the bad guys in Lord of the Rings?
The truth revealed.

More Barf-Inducing Truth

Dubya, sir, what wild animal are you most like?
See for yourself !

Bex Enlightens The Masses

Liberal, bleeding-hearts say:
Punishment not appropiate for scum who just made real woman out of girl. Jails should be abolished. All society's fault. Conservatives will try to use this as excuse to mete out punishment rather than counseling.
Our proof that we are right is that even the mother was unaware. If something was really going on, how could she not know? If she was aware, we would send her and the abusers to double counseling.
Still don't believe in the death penalty?

Cry-Baby Whines Because She Has To Obey Law Like Rest Of Us

Every US citizen knows that Federal laws are for our own good.
First, there was whining about Canada drugs. Now it's about privacy laws.Silly woman thinks exception should be made for her. Heck, a hole in the dike could lead to a flood.
She says,
The hospital said I owed $17,000, but could not inform of any connection between the patient and me because of Privacy Laws.Myhusband had just run off, I owe bills, and now I have to come up with $17,000.
GOP to rescue:
You ought to be in prison doing hard time. All you care about is yourself. What about everyone else who respects our laws. Granted, the victim in hospital died due to hit-and-run, and he was your husband, and he couldn't give consent, because he was dead, but that's no excuse to disrespect the santity of our laws.
Hospital thanks GOP for rescue from deadbeat.
Finer Points of Privacy Law Patient privacy regulations (under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) were recently blamed for hospitals' placing restrictions on ward visits by Santa Claus (in Davenport, Iowa, December) and by clergy members (in Morgantown, W.Va., January), unless all patients give permission.
And a Silver Spring, Md., woman was billed $17,000 by Washington (D.C.) Hospital Center before the hospital was allowed to tell her who the patient was, because of federal privacy laws. (The patient was her missing-person husband, who had been killed by a hit-and-run driver, news the police were late in giving her.)
And privacy laws recently prevented the public school system in Nashville, Tenn. (and undoubtedly other cities), from having an "honor roll," unless all parents consented (even parents of mediocre students, who would be publicly revealed as non-honor roll). [Moline Dispatch]

G-G-Gareth Gates' Music

Reading this blog will make you cultured, but certain music is given only as examples of what to turn off.
I may sound terrible, but at least I'm not cultured.

Bex Is Taken Down A Peg Or Two

Bex tried to take credit for "discovering" what oil companies do best. An uproar from the public forced him to retract and admit this "discovery" has been know by all for ages.
The GOP laughed so hard that each member couldn't speak at once. They all wanted to claim credit for developing this "discovery" of Bex's.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Quiz Time

Quiz Time The big, mean, tough, janitor burst into the latrine to determine just who kept having poor aim. Who is the only one not accused?

How Earth Was Saved

All the movies about Earth being attacked from outer space and saved by super heroes are so much bunk. An ordinary person saved us. The real story.

World Agast As The Impossible Found In USA

Even Ripley refuses to publish it in his Believe It Or Not.
He laughs and says,
It's a fake publication, sort of like on April Fool's Day.AT&T fired employee, because his Christian values would not let him bow and scrape before Gays.
Man sued and won big time.
AT&T scoffs,
Ha! We took the politically correct side, because it is the fad of today. Can you believe that we lost? This will be easily overturned. That court must be a relic from the Middle Ages.
World gasps as a US court actually rules for Christian rights.

Dirty Cop Gets Justice

Some cops are dirty, but most are good. They have a lot of stress, divorces, and suicides. However, they have to follow the rules just as they make sure we follow the laws. What happens when a cop does not follow critical rules that others have to follow? This policeman gets caught with fingers outside established lines of rules.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sissy Guards Want Stab-Proof Vests

Silly Guards Want Stab Proof Vests

Higher-ups say,

Talk to them. Counsel them. Show them you trust them. Don't treat them like criminals.
Silly guards say,
They are criminals. We don't trust them. We want stab proof vests.
Criminal prisoners say,
Of course you can trust us. Let's all make nice.
SELF DEFENSELESS: "We want staff to talk to prisoners, to see how they're doing," says Tim Krause, spokesman for Corrections Canada, the country's prison authority. That's the thinking behind a new policy for all maximum-security prisons: guards may no longer wear "stab-proof" vests. "If you have that kind of presence symbolized by [such protective gear], you're sending a signal to the prisoner that you consider him to be a dangerous person." The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers is protesting the new rule. Several guards are flouting the regulation, wearing vests they purchased themselves. (Edmonton Sun) ...While inmates are anxious to test for the presence of vests, using shivs they made themselves.

Prez Dubya Gets Support

More unvarnished truth to make you barf! Bex:
Where does your support come from?
Damn it, Bex. It's Dubya, Sir.
Sorry, Dubya, sir. Dubya, sir, where does your support come from.
From the far corners of the universe.

Solution For Low-Flush Toilets

No lawmaker has a low-flush toilet in his/her home. The law is only for everybody else, so water is conserved.

By the time you have flushed 4-6 times to get rid of waste, twice as much water is used.

A sloution has been found. One flush and all is gone.

2 AAA batteries or !0 cents/month for electricity.

Dick Preps Rice

Unvarnished truth.


Dubya, how did Rice prep for the 9-ll hearings?
With the master of B.S.

Prez Dubya And College Grads


Dubya, what do the youth of America say about your economic policy?
See for yourself. Talk to a college graduate.

Dubya Brags About Economy

Dubya says,
Anything good for my rich pals is good indeed, and some of it is bound to trickle down to the low-lifes who have to work.
The bottom line is that I help the economy.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dubya Explains Why Dick Is Boss


Dubya, it's pathetic how Dick controls you. How did this ever get started?
Well, we had our own show, and it just snowballed.

Is Your Counting Ability Up To Par?

Can You Really, Really, Count ?

So, you say you can count, huh? Prove it, because others say you can't.

How many people are in the picture? Count carefully, wait about 6-7 seconds seconds and count again.

Your chance to prove you can count.

Dlubya's Continuing Education


Dubya, in spite of being dumb, have you ever acomplished anything?
Duh, of course.

ACLU: We WILL Take Credit

Canada kicks God out of homes before ACLU even thinks about it.

ACLU weeps,

The concept is inspired, be we must get credit for each nonsensical program.

After emergency, closed-door, executive session, ACLU releases this statement,

They stole it from us.

Dubya And Health Care


Just what is your health-care policy?
Exactly what everyone says it is.

More Dubya Truth To Make You Barf


Dubya, is it true that you can't even count?
Why does everyone say that?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dubya Explains Popularity

Dubya, what do your fellow Texans really think of you?
The same as everyone else.

Dubya Expresses Greetings

Prez Dubya says,
I know that I have only one more Christmas to spend with you before my GOP and I have been kicked out of office due to unimaginable corruption on our part. However, I want to leave with you my sincere greetings which truly show how I care about you.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Crybaby Wants To Get rich

Anyone can make a mistake. Haven't you ever spilled milk or dropped an egg?

Did the world end? You guessed it. Now she wants to sue.

A SYDNEY, Australia -- Eighteen months after colon surgery, a 69-year-old woman in Sydney discovered that surgeons at St. Geoge Hospital in Sidney left a pair of scissors in her abdomen.

Although the mishap was reported, the operating team was not disciplined, said the hospital's chief executive, David Pearce.

Sissy's actual X-Ray

Satan On Holliday

Satan is on a 3-day holiday as he sips a drink, smiles, and gloats,

I've always worked hard for the damnation of souls. With all the criminals, murder, rapes, etc., sometimes it's easy. But, the absolute best, beyond any question, is state-sponsored murder.
This evil is justified by a law.I just love it.
The Nazi concentration camps, the Soviet Gulag, Christian persercution, and now abortion. I can relax a day or two while I watch my underlings do their best to prepare a place for others next to them in my kingdom.
The icing on he cake is when Catholics, who are taught from birth that abortion is morally wrong, promote it.
Yep. They do me proud.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prez Dubya And Math

Truth can hurt.


Dubya, you can barely read and write, but what about math?
It's my best subject.

Shape Shifter

Learn to shift shapes.

Real easy.

Impress everyone.

Use cursor to move bars on top left.

Bex Presents More Truth To Make You Barf

Elected politicians get the best health care for free while many average Americans can't afford any. But what about the armed services that protect us? Dubya explains why they get shafted.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Bashful Guys' Can Win True Love

Boys, are you in love with a beautiful girl but are too bashful to speak up?

Impress her with a message from your own personal ninja.

Write your love note in the bottom box of "send your own message"

Win her love.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paris Hilton: The Real Reason Why I Was Released!

Paris Hilton Explains:
Surely everyone knows that I am filthy rich, spoiled, and laws that apply or ordinary peasants do not apply to the famous, rich, pampered, brats. I was cold, was served a hot dog...etc. Can you imagine? Me, the great ME getting treated I was one of you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dubya: I have Solution For Homeless

Dubya Explains News Conferences

Yet more disgusting truth.
Dubya, sir, what is your biggest fear at news conferences?