Thursday, November 29, 2007

National Political Correctness Contest: Who Can Be The First To Boot Christ Out Of Christmas?

A frantic-paced race among big businesses in America to win the race to be politically correct during Christmas time. They are racing to call:
a. Christmas trees, "Holiday Day trees"
b. Christmas time, "Holiday time"
c. Merry Christmas, " Happy Holiday"
d. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, "The Grinch Who Stole the Holiday"
Liberal judges, educators, and politicians will be the judges. The penalties for losing will be fines, jail time, and lashes.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cat In The Hat For Golden Oldies

Hey Oldies, this description fits you to a tee, doesn't it?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

GOP Aghast!!! The Rich Should Pay More?

GOP: Anything but our pals paying their fair share. They are rich and deserve special treatment. The poor don't have as many bills to pay such as food, housing, and clothing. Hell, they can't afford to eat well, get good medical care, and their houses are hovels compared to our mansions. Hence, they don't need much money.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hillary Laughs At GOP Corruption

The GOP is running against me for Prez, but I'm laughing, because those dolts have handed the election to me on a silver platter. Their bottomless corrution have turned people away from them, which will allow a baby-killer advocate like me to win.