Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dubya Grants Bex An Exit Interview

Bex: Well, Dubya, it is... Dubya: It's Dubya SIR, Bex. Bex: I'm sorry, Dubya Sir, it won't happen again. Will you tell the world about your greatest accomplishments as Prez Dubya for the past 8 years? Dubya: I'll be glad to. I know I'm bragging, but I am so proud of my work. We don't have time for everything, but I'll try to hit the highlights. I'll put them in a list so they will be easier to read. a. I've let my rich pals pollute the air with whatever they needed to get richer. b. I signed orders that caused the environment to be polluted and decay. c. My rich pals were able to pay enough to get Medicare Prescriptions passed. d. My rich pals gave themselves multi-million bonuses while their industries were going broke. e. My VP was able to get his old company to get billions of dollars in Iraq without a bid. f. I gave my rich pals.... Bex: I'm so sorry, Duba Sir, but we are running out of time. Could you tell the public about some of you failures? Dubya: Of course, Bex, but mind you these failures were due to the liberal press even though everyone in the USA supported me.Here are some highlights: a. I was not able to destroy Social Security. Just think, if it had been destroyed, all those chumps who had to invest in stock would have gone under as the stock market collapased. Then my rich pals could have purchased those poor slobs at little cost...or, they would starve. b. I was not able to ruin the Artic Circle with oil wells for my rich pals. c. My rich CEO pals were forced to cut their bonuses down to 5-20 millions when their industries were bailed out. d. I was not able to complete the pollution of... Bex: Again I'm sorry, Dubya Sir, but my deadline is near. Could you summarize your reign in one sentence? Dubya: My whole agenda was successful on the whole as I was able to get me and my rich pals richer at the expense of the poor. Bex: Well, thank you, Dubya Sir, your legacy is set as long as mankind is on earth. Dubya: Be sure to spell my name correctly. It is D..U..B..Y..A S..I..R. Bex : It will be done.