Sunday, January 11, 2009

History Of Current Isareli War With Hamas

Hamas: Let's send rockets into Israel and kill some innocents. Israel: Hey world, get Hamas to stop killing our people with rockets. World: Tsk, tsk. Hamas is only playing. After all, boys will be boys. Israel: If the UN won't help us, we will be forced to defend ourselves. World: Israel, don't take things so seriously. Hamas: We have the right to kill all Israelis, because they have no right to exist. We won't stop. Israel: OK, UN, this is our last request for help. UN: Ah, Israel, don't provoke Hamas with threats to defend yourself. Israel: OK, let's defend ourselves . Hamas: Oh, look at the violent, murderous, savage, uncivilized Israeli. Can you imagine? They are attacking just because we kill them. World, UN, rise up and denounce this savagery. World: Israel, stop your aggression. Be good. We will have protests, parades, rallies, demonstrations, and violent happenings to show we want Israel to stop defending itself.