Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Logic Of Hamas

HAMAS 1: Hey, Bro, what you want to do today? HAMAS 2: The usual, you know, go fire rockets at Israel. HAMAS 1: Let's make it a party and invite average people who live in this land. HAMAS 2. Terrific, I'll invite them. AVERAGE PEO PLE: Are you crazy? After years of sending rockets to them and killing innocents, you forced them to come here and destroy everything. HAMAS 2: Everything?? We still have rockets left, so we can kill more innocents. AVERAGE PEOPLE: You are causing us to be destroyed. HAMAS 2 : Suck it up and be tough. We'll see you at the party tonight or the rockets will "accidentlly" find you. AVERAGE PEOPLE: Hamas is really a terrorist organization and they are crazy.