Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unhealthy, Unemployed, Uninsured: 52 Million Americans Without In 2010

The problem of the uninsured in the United States has been getting worse. During 2010, some 52 million Americans went without health insurance, compared to 38 million in 2001. Seventy five million Americans skipped doctor visits all together, along with prescriptions and recommended tests or treatments in 2010 because of costs. That's up from 47 million in 2001. Among people with insurance who have had high deductibles, 31% percent skipped care due to cost.

GOP: See? If these bums want to be healthy, why don't they get rich the same way we did. Hell, we used inheritance and corruption. They expect us to pay taxes to help them? They need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps...oh, that involves work, a word alien to them as paying  taxes is to us.