Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Boehner: What do we have in common with the peasants? Snort, snort

Members of Congress, such as Rep. Steve Southerland, R-Fla., believe that since members of Congress work such long hours, they should be paid more. He believes the $174,000 salary and benefits the average person would drool over are just not enough. I guess he simply forgot about the statements he has supported in the past about shared sacrifice.

  I am sure that somewhere in Rep. Southerland's constituency we could find a single mother of three who is working 60 hours a week without benefits to try to provide for her children. I am sure we could find a senior couple that has issues paying for their medication, food and other bills on Social Security alone. I guess that shared sacrifice must only apply to the average person and not the geniuses that we elect to Congress.