Thursday, September 22, 2011

JUSTICE SERVED??? What do you think?

September 22, 2011

12-year Brennan Segur said he was offered a narcotic pill in the school restroom in Parks Middle School, Parks, LA on 2 consecutive days.

He refused the first offer and took the 2nd offer, because he was afraid of being bullied. After the others left, he flushed the pill down the toilet and told his parents about the incident. His mother reported it to schools officials who then suspended Segur from school for 9 days. St. Martin Parish Superintendent Richard Lavergne state law was followed, because Brennan accepted the pill before flushing it.

September 23, 2011
Lavergne now changes his mind ands says that Segura can now return to class. This is after Lavergne
reviewed information. (Bex's take on this is the public outcry caused the reversal.)

Would you like to be in his shoes if he goes back? It would be like having a target on his back for the bullies.