Saturday, January 26, 2013

Examples Of Just Why The GOP Is Losing

GOP Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana decided right before Christmas that Medicaid in Louisiana would no longer cover Hospice for the poor who are dying. He reversed that decision just a few days before it was to go into effect because of public protests. (Even an idiot could see that his policy would cause these poor to go to Emergency Rooms more often thus costing much more that it would save).

He now wants to eliminate income taxes in Louisiana while increasing sales taxes. This would hurt the poor who pay little or no income taxes but who would have to pay more in sales taxes to survive.
(Wait! Raise sales taxes? A man who denounces all increases of taxes?) It would help the rich get richer, because the increase in sales taxes would be much less than the income tax they would pay.

My point in these two examples is that this is typical GOP thinking: First, do everything on the backs of the poor and ill. Let them pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Don't simply be neutral and do nothing to help them, but do everything to push them farther into despair. Second, help the rich get richer.

The GOP will, of course, deny any such intentions, and maybe really believe their denial. However, the American public is believing it more and more, and voting against them.