Sunday, June 3, 2007

NOW's Non-Response To Bex

NOW did not respond to Bex's querry about their silence when a woman said calling a woman a c _ _ _ can be a term of endearment.
Hence, Bex resorted to detecting through their trash can and found drafts of internal memo printed below.
MEMO: NOW Hqtrs to all good NOW members:
a. That damn Bex keeps harping on us to respond to woman prez of UC who said calling a woman the "c" word could be a term of endearment.
b. Everyone knows that is a lie, and her purpose is to win a lawsuit of sexual harrasment against UC.
c. We could say she is a man is disguise and let loose with all our firepower. (Rejected: She bore children.)
d. She is female, and we are for all females at all times, right or wrong, as long as you are big-shot with influence.
BOTTOM LINE: We ignore situation, and it all goes away.