Monday, February 28, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: No Rational Being Can Refute This Logic.

Walker: Would you expect a person in the middle of Africa to  speak English if he had never been exposed to it? By analogy, follow my logic to see why collective bargaining should be banned.

Wisconsin is broke, and there are only two possible ways to remedy the situation:

 First, cancel collective bargaining, cut health care, pay, and benefits for teachers and public workers (do not include firefighter and police unions, because, after all, they did support me during the election.(Snicker,snicker). We can balance the budget off their backs.

Second: Pass laws forcing  the rich to pay taxes. Now, my anology comes into play. The rich have never been exposed to taxes and do not know the meaning of the word. Suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, we should impose a thing unknown on them?