Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GOP Leader Pleas For Help!!!!!

John Boehner:

 We all know that there are traitors in every organization, and the GOP is no exception. We bribed...er, paid some of our own people to do "unbiased" (snort, snort) research to prove there is no global warming. The initial report shows there is global warning.

What if the final report by these traitors shows the same result? Like we give a shit about the environment or polar bears if they interfere with our profits? Hell no! We must prepare a defense in advance in case these traitors dare to print  the truth. Everyone knows that our defense has always been a denial of global warming, but we must now change our direction of defense. We must prepare what to do for the near future when science proves there is global warming. We now need to make them prove our pollution is the cause. We need an apologist to approach in this  way:

      1. Everyone knows that from the dawn of man  until our pollution there has been no global warming on earth. Every logical, sane, person will quickly realize that there is no other possible cause.
Therefore, we must rely on someone's gift -of-gab to  make our opponents try to do what cannot be done, ie, prove a negative.

     2. We must make  them prove that all other actions are not the reason for global warming. For example, make them prove that pollution is not from some  outer space alien race trying to conquer Earth. Don't ever forget that when they show there is no other cause on earth,  you say, "so? Prove it doesn't come from outer space."

 I am sure there are people who will be too embarrassed to admit they are wrong, so we offer mucho
$ for specious propaganda.