Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Son Grasps Wisdom of Dad


White House warns of debt 'Armageddon'

White House warns of debt 'Armageddon' AFP/File – US President Barack Obama speaking about the budget on April 8. The White House warned Republicans on …
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The White House warned Republicans on Monday that failing to raise the $14.29 trillion US debt limit would spark "Armageddon-like" consequences for the slowly recovering US economy.

As a new political showdown looms over the economy following a defused budget row, aides also said President Barack Obama now "regrets" his vote as a senator against raising the debt ceiling in 2006, calling it "a mistake."
Son: But,, but you are posting something bad about the Dems.
Dad: Yes, but I see the good and evil in both GOP and Dems.
Son:, the GOP can do no wrong and the Dems can do no good.
Dad: Listen Grasshopper, the Dems murder the unborn but they want health care for all the living. The GOP protects the unborn but want the poor, sick and disabled to have no means to survive. Both are corrupt. Whichever is in power try to outdo the other in spending and corruption.
Son :I see, I see! Er..., that's true, but I can't force myself to say anything bad about the GOP or good about the Dems.. I can't be fair minded about both parties as you are.
Dad: Ahh, good! That's the first step. Seeing comes first and admitting will naturally follow.
Son: But...but, its so hard.
Dad: Yes, it is. But you must have the will to see the truth and then the strength to admit it.
Son: I...I will try.
Dad: I have confidence in you and am proud of you.