Friday, June 17, 2011

Bigwigs from DNS and GOP debate on their reputations.

Bex interviewed bigwigs of both GOP  and DNS to access their views of their pros and cons.

Bex: OK, GOP, you go first.

GOP: Never in the history of mankind can any political party lay claim to more corruption that which  
          is to be found in our party. This is self-evident to any rational or irrational person.

Bex: Well, I do agree with you. However, do you have an cons?

GOP: Unfortunately, we do, and we assure everyone that we are not proud of it and are working daily
          to remedy the situation. In spite of all of our efforts, some poor, aged, and  ill people are still
          around and have not  yet been thrown out with the bath water.

Bex: Wow! Again, the truth of that is self-evident to everyone. Now let's hear the pros of the DNS
        from the viewpoints of their bigwigs.

DNS: We are proud of the progress we have made in the lawful murder of the living, unborn babies.
          Also, our progress in tearing down  the laws of nature and God by promoting same-sex unions is
          high on our highs. Jimmy Carter was the most incompetent Prez ever, and that's a fact.

Bex: How true. All bigwigs here must have been injected with massive doses of truth serum. OK, DNS,
        what are your cons?

DNS: We hang our heads in shame, but we daily try to rectify these lows. We can murder living,
          unborn babies, but what about those that are less than 1 week old? Doesn't the mother have a
          right to change her mind if  she first wanted it to live? Also, same-sex unions are decried by
          some people just because God forbade it and sanctioned only marriage between male and
         female. We want everyone to embrace it.

Bex: The facts stated are true, complete, and self-evident even to a turnip.