Friday, July 20, 2012

National Rifle Advocates: Colorado Slaughter Shows Need For Arms For Citizens

The National Rifle Advocates, NRA, issued this statement: The slaughter of the innocents in the movie in Colorado proves the need for 100% of American citizens to bear arms at all times. Just think about this:

If each and every person in that movie had a rifle, or a pistol, or a bazooka, or an AK 47, then the instant the idiot who started killing patrons fired, he would have had all these weapons firing at him.

Sure, their return fire would have killed dozens of others, but what's a little collateral damage from friendly fire? Other would-be-mass-murderers would think twice before doing the same thing, since they know that they would be killed along with the innocents.

Every citizen should be required by law to carry at least 1 firearm.