Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This Is A 47 Percenter

Slammed for Using Food Stamps: Ga. Woman Seeks Apology (ABC News)

ABC News - Slammed for Using Food Stamps: Ga. Woman Seeks Apology (ABC News)
Is a $15 gift card enough to compensate for public humiliation at your local grocery store? According to one Georgia woman, the answer is absolutely not.
Cindy Nerger, 28, who relies on food stamps to feed her family, said she was brought to tears after being embarrassed by a manager at a Kroger store in Warner Robbins, Ga.
"He said, 'Excuse me for working for a living and not relying on food stamps like you,'" Nerger said the manager told her.

Nerger said the reason she and her family - she is married with a daughter - must rely on food stamps is because her husband's carpentry business isn't profitable enough to support the family.
Meanwhile, Nerger must devote 12 hours every night to a dialysis treatment to combat her kidney disease, which she's struggled with since the age of 11. She's been on a kidney transplant list for five years and hopes that someday, after a successful transplant, she can become a working member of society. She would like to attend college to major in child psychology.