Saturday, February 11, 2012

If Les Miles Had a Post Game Interview After the Alabama Slaughter

I'm sure the interview would go like this:

Bex: Let's welcome Les Miles, coach of the LSU football team. He is going to explain his rational for
         the  play-calling in the Alabama game. He has a lot to answer for, but we will hear it from his

         Hello Les, this interview will be rough, so are you sure you can handle it?

Les: Hell, yes! When the going gets tough, only the tough keep going.

Bex: OK, Les. During the first Alabama game you replaced Jarrett Lee with Jordan Jefferson
        after a few bad passes even though he led LSU to #1 in the nation in all the previous games.
        Why did you do this?

Les: To win the game. Jarett had a few bad passes, but there was no way to know he would snap out
        of it and settle down. We won, and that justifies my actions. So, put that in your pipe and smoke

Bex: OK, Les, fair enough. But, in the 2nd game, with all the marbles at stake, Jordan played the
        entire  game with bad throws, bad runs, bad everything he did. Why did you not replace him with

Les: There was no way to know that he would not snap out of it. If he had we would have won.

Bex: But he did not snap out of it the whole game. Even a dum-dum could see that he needed to be
        replaced, so are you dumber than a dum-dum?

Les: Why you no-good, ass**!!!#))#$%^^<<>>""+##@@^.

Bex:Well folks, you heard it from the horse's mouth. A clear, rational, logical, explanation. Let's all
        thank Les for his time and effort with us to clear up this mystery. Thank you, Les.