Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Rational Discourse on Obama's Forced Imposition of Blith Control

Logic and reason dictate that a thing cannot be and not be at the same time. For example, at the same time a color cannot be green and not green, a door cannot be closed and not closed, etc. These are examples of contradictions, and contradictions cannot co-exist. It follows that compromises cannot exist for contradictions. There can be no bridge between what is and what is not.

It would be no compromise if Hitler decided to murder Jews only 5 days a week or if Stalin decided to not send innocents to the Gulag on Thursdays in response to an outcry from other nations. It cannot even be said that at least there would be fewer people disposed of by these evil actions, because the quota could have been raised on the permissible days to offset any decrease.

For Obama to decide that Catholic employers must offer contraceptives in their health insurance plans is to arbitrarily impose a contradiction on consciences’ of Catholics and actions they must take. And, to then say wait a while and work out a compromise is an oxymoron.

If this stands, what is next in line? Could a President mandate that every third child be aborted? Would it be a compromise to abort only every 4th child? America cannot allow this to stand and still be the land of the free.