Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bristol Palin: They Want A Virgin To Discuss Virtues Of Virginity? Ha! Get Real!

Washington University has announced that Bristol Palin will no longer be speaking during its annual "Sexual Responsibility Week," as announced earlier this week.

She had been scheduled to speak on abstinence, but after her speaking fee of $20,000 came to light, a number of students felt this would be an inappropriate use of university activity committee funds. Although Bristol Palin is known to be a politically polarizing figure, most students are insisting it is not her politics but her exhorbitant fee that has them concerned.

Her fee will be taken from an annual activity fee into which all students pay to cover events and activities. But that's not their only concern. Palin may simply be unqualified to speak to abstinence-only education.

"Her only qualification for speaking about abstinence is that she did not abstain." Student Jon Branfman told the St. Louis Beacon.
