Friday, January 28, 2011

Pro-Deathers: What's The Crime In Kermit Gosnell Being Untidy?

Pro-Deathers release memo:

 Our great US Supreme Court has ruled that unborn babies can be killed, because they are unfit for life or they are just mounds of lifeless matter. So our boy Kerm is untidy by having, matter parts in the shapes of heads, legs, arms, and torsos lying around his shop. Should you be arrested just 'cause you haven't cleaned your house? Of course not. Neither should Kerm.

We praise our boy, Kerm
Who's the cure for the effects of sperm,
He brings babies lives to term
His right to kill is very firm

Pro-Deathers,  Pro-Deathers, we are proud Pro-Deathers
There is nothing good about Pro-Lifers,
If the thrill of watching the unborn gasp
their last breath while in our grasp

Makes you want the thrill of the kill
and gives you the notion to do an abortion,
Just come to  one of our killing places
and help  us flush those unknown faces.

Pro-Deathers, Pro-Deathers
we are proud Pro-Deathers.