Thursday, January 13, 2011

NRA: Much Ado About Nothing While Dems Abort Innocents

The NRA (National Rifle Abomination) issued this statement to the press today: The liberals complain that we want laws that ensure each citizen carry weapons. They don't mention that we want children under 5 to only carry non-automatics. They don't mention that we want children under 3 to only carry single shot pistols. They do mention all the lives that could be saved if we had decent gun-control laws, but they do not mention all the lives lost when they commit abortion. Talk about double standards. We give citizens a chance to defend themselves against killers while they murder innocents who cannot defend themselves. For example, if a bully in the 6th grade pulled out his Uzi to mow down his prey, the prey's pals could whip out their Uzis and goodby bully. Yeh, some of the pals would be accidently killed by the flying bullets, but isn't that a small price to pay for right of self-defence?