Thursday, January 13, 2011

The DUH Report: DeLay lawyer says his client will never spend day in jail

GOP:  Would anyone pay to read a newspaper' headlines that printed things like, " The Sun Causes Sunburn", " Water Can Freeze if Tempertature Gets Low Enough", "The Sun is Hot", etc.  These things are innately obvious to any rational being. One of  our own going to prison? (Snort, snort, yuk, yuk)

Tue, Jan 11 2011
Ex-House leader DeLay gets 3-year prison term

Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:00pm EST

SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (Reuters) - The attorney for former House leader Tom DeLay said on Thursday he is preparing a series of motions to appeal and overturn DeLay's conviction on conspiracy and money laundering charges.

Dick DeGuerin said in an interview from his Houston office that he is confident that DeLay will never spend a day in prison.