Friday, August 30, 2013


IQ Quiz: Who am I? Or, are you a rational being?

I will continually vote to defund health care for the poor and ill. Yea, time after time after time.

If I still don't win, I'll try to pass new laws to get rid of it. Yea, time after time after time.

 If I still don't win, I'll shut down the government. If that happens then soldiers won't get paid, oldies living on Social Security won't get paid, government workers won't get paid, but there is no way I'll pay taxes for anything especially for something I already have and don't want others to have if they can't afford it.

If they want it, let them afford it.

Answer: If you answered "Tea Party and their ilk" then pat your-
               self on the back for, indeed, you are a rational being.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

OK, GOP, Answer these questions

Transcript of an interview with Bex:

Bex: GOP, Most of you see abortion and same-sex unions for what they are, an abomination in the eyes
         of God, something dirty and evil. Why, then, do you oppose health care for the ill, poor, and

GOP: Well, Bex, we will explain it in the simplest terms possible. MONEY!! We have it and want to
           keep it. We reward our rich pals in all forms of corruption that fattens our pocketbooks. We
           have loopholes that keep us from paying taxes. We enjoy our multi-million dollar houses,   
           pools, cars, and all the perks that go with them.

          If the poor, ill, and old, were to get health care it would not be fair to us. One way or the other
          we would have to help pay for it. We have the best health care that money can buy. If the
          riff-raft want health care, let them get rich and afford it like we do.

         Bottom line: We have ours, and we will keep it. Let them get theirs'. Now, Bex, do you under-
         stand our position?

Bex:, yes, I do.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Bex Interviews GOP ON Health Care

Bex: Well, GOP, I'm glad that, for once, you did not have to take truth serum before an interview.

GOP: Right, Bex! Lay it on us. We'll gladly , for once, tell the truth willingly. No truth serum needed.

Bex: Why are you opposed to the poor and ill getting health care? After all, you get it.

GOP: We will outline some of the basic reasons:
           a. We are rich and can afford it.
           b. We will have to pay taxes to help pay for their care.
           c. They never vote for us, so why should we help them?
           d. Without health care they die quicker. This makes less votes against us.
           e. Money talks which means we talk and they listen.
           f. We don't give a good shit about...

Bex: Whoa! I get the idea. Yes, everyone knows why you are opposed. Now to the next question.
         How are you going to oppose this as it is the law of the land?

GOP: We will let the country be destroyed by inaction, negativity, falsehoods, ill-will, and greed. We
          will not pay taxes. We will not help the poor and ill. They will pick themselves up by their
          bootstraps if they want to survive.

Bes: Wow! That's clear. How do you decide what you are for? Against?

GOP: Silly question. The answer is self-evident. If Obama is for it, we are against. If he is against it,
           we are for it. We simply sit back and see if he's for or against something, and we take the
           opposite side.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

GOP Aghast. How Dare He Reveal Our Dirty Secret????

GOP Response: Er.......that is, er, ah..., negativity is the glue that holds us together. We can afford health care, so we don't give a shit about those who can't.

Gingrich: Republicans have 'zero' health care ideas    

Boston (CNN) – Former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich reprimanded his fellow Republicans in unusually harsh terms Wednesday, blaming GOP members of Congress for developing "zero" alternatives to President Obama's health care reform law.
Gingrich, who was speaking at the opening session of the Republican National Committee's summer meeting, fielded a question about "Obamacare" and recalled that Republicans were able to block Bill Clinton's health care reform effort in 1994 because they had "a positive alternative approach" to health care.

But Republicans today have nothing comparable to offer, Gingrich told nearly the 200 state party chairs, operatives and activists gathered in Boston for the conference.
"I will bet you, for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks when your members of Congress are home, and you look them in the eye and you say, 'What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?' They will have zero answer," Gingrich said.
Gingrich blamed the problem on Republican culture that rewards obstruction and negativity instead of innovation and "being positive."