Sunday, August 25, 2013
OK, GOP, Answer these questions
Transcript of an interview with Bex:
Bex: GOP, Most of you see abortion and same-sex unions for what they are, an abomination in the eyes
of God, something dirty and evil. Why, then, do you oppose health care for the ill, poor, and
GOP: Well, Bex, we will explain it in the simplest terms possible. MONEY!! We have it and want to
keep it. We reward our rich pals in all forms of corruption that fattens our pocketbooks. We
have loopholes that keep us from paying taxes. We enjoy our multi-million dollar houses,
pools, cars, and all the perks that go with them.
If the poor, ill, and old, were to get health care it would not be fair to us. One way or the other
we would have to help pay for it. We have the best health care that money can buy. If the
riff-raft want health care, let them get rich and afford it like we do.
Bottom line: We have ours, and we will keep it. Let them get theirs'. Now, Bex, do you under-
stand our position?
Bex:, yes, I do.