Thursday, August 15, 2013

GOP Aghast. How Dare He Reveal Our Dirty Secret????

GOP Response: Er.......that is, er, ah..., negativity is the glue that holds us together. We can afford health care, so we don't give a shit about those who can't.

Gingrich: Republicans have 'zero' health care ideas    

Boston (CNN) – Former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich reprimanded his fellow Republicans in unusually harsh terms Wednesday, blaming GOP members of Congress for developing "zero" alternatives to President Obama's health care reform law.
Gingrich, who was speaking at the opening session of the Republican National Committee's summer meeting, fielded a question about "Obamacare" and recalled that Republicans were able to block Bill Clinton's health care reform effort in 1994 because they had "a positive alternative approach" to health care.

But Republicans today have nothing comparable to offer, Gingrich told nearly the 200 state party chairs, operatives and activists gathered in Boston for the conference.
"I will bet you, for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks when your members of Congress are home, and you look them in the eye and you say, 'What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?' They will have zero answer," Gingrich said.
Gingrich blamed the problem on Republican culture that rewards obstruction and negativity instead of innovation and "being positive."