Sunday, September 22, 2013
GOP: Hmmmm! What Else Can We Do To Reduce The Number of Poor People? Aha!. We Have It!
GOP: We have tried our best to reduce the number of poor and ill by trying to get rid of health care
for them. We still may be able to do it. But, even so, that won't be enough.
People have to eat. Food is essential to life. Those who don't have money to buy food depend
on food stamps from the government. Hmmm. Yep. You can read our minds, can't you? Get
rid of food stamps.
We say that food should be like health care. If you want it, buy it. If you can't afford it, then
start affording it. Pick yourself up by your boot straps. Be a manly mensch. Don't be a baby
and whine about starving. You don't see any members of the GOP starving or lacking health
care, because we can afford it. You want it, then start affording it. You can't? You mean, you
won't. In that case, ask yourself, are you worthy of life?