Thursday, September 26, 2013

Government Shutdown? Who Gets The Blame?????

GOP: We know that Obama won the election and the American people were aware of his Obamacare
           back then and still voted for him.

           We know that the people have spoken, but we don't give a shit.

            If we shut down the government, so what? We have enough money that each of our members
            will survive without any hardships.

            We will simply take our marbles and go home if we can't have our way. Yes, that is how
             schoolyard crybabies act, but, as stated before, we don't care.

            The only people who will be hurt will be the aged, ill, and poor. Why don't they save up and
             join the rich? We will welcome them after they get rich. Are those who simply refuse to get
             rich worthy?