Monday, December 17, 2012

Bex Interviews Anti-Gun Control Lobbists

Bex: Welcome, welcome, get comfortable, and prepare for some hard questions

National Gun Association: Thanks, it...hey, Guns for Everyone is sitting in my chair. Get thee out.
                                            That chair covered in 3-d images of tommy guns is for me.

Guns for Everyone: Well,  Guns Without Limit, get out of my chair draped in real machine guns,
                                 get out of my chair.

Bex: Boys, boys, let's calm down before we start shooting up the place. Say, has anyone seen the
         National Rifle Association? Oh, here they come carrying bazookas. Well, everyone is here, let's

Bex: With thousands killed in senseless gun violence each year in the USA and about 13 mass
         public shootings so far this year, what is to keep the public from demanding new gun laws?

All organizations at once: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. We demand all citizens from 1 to 101 be armed to the teeth....

Bex: Please, please, I've heard your same old tripe over and over! What is the  going to stop real laws
         to keep guns out of citizens' hands?

All organizations at once: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will..

Bex: Stop with all the clichés. What will keep guns from continuing to flood the country. I want only
        one of you to give a truthful answer for all. NRA, you are the largest. You speak.

NRA: OK, Bex. The truth? Here it is! Gun laws are enacted by the politicians. We have deeper
           pockets than even Romney. His 250,000,000 is chump change to us. Politicians feel  safe in
          our pockets with our money. They are as snug as a bug in a rug. we donate to their campaigns,
          their wish lists. They do what we say. We say, "jump", they say, "how high". We say, "shit",
          they say, "how deep". Nothing will keep our beloved AK-47s, BARs, machine guns, pistols,
          etc, etc, out of the hands of the public with the politicians in our very deep pockets.

Bex: Well, people, you finally heard the truth.