Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gun Advocates:; We Demand New Constitutional Amendment

We speak for each and every person who belongs to a pro-gun group such as Guns Unlimited, Guns For Everyone, National Rifle Association, and others of our ilk.

We DEMAND an amendment to the US Constitution which impose these conditions on all:

1. Everyone from 1 to 101 be armed with fully loaded automatic
    weapons and boxes of ammunition at all times.

2. Infants less than 1 year old undergo daily training in firing
   automatic weapons. They must be armed with pistols fully loaded
   until they carry automatic weapons at 1-year of age. 

3. Anyone who objects to the above is obviously a traitor and seeks
   to undermine the national security of the USA and will
   become the objects of target practice.

4. Anyone who looks suspicious of committing a crime will be shot
    to doll rags until the ruble said suspect is on dances. Since
    preservation of life is man's first instinct, no one will be willing
    to forfeit his life by committing any crimes. We will be a crime-
   free nation.