Friday, December 14, 2012

Will The NRA Say This About Gun Control????

Will the National Rifle Association issue such a decree in the near future?

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. If gun control is enacted by the liberals then what is to stop nuts from using slingshots, rocks, sticks, and other such weapons from going on a killing spree? Don't blame guns, blame people. Are you going to make  laws which prohibit people from owning rocks, sticks, etc?

Rather than restricting arms, laws should be enacted requiring each American citizen to bear arms openly. Automatic weapons should be weapon of choice, but pistols and rifles will be accepted. Whenever anyone suspects anyone else of even thinking about shooting up a public place, that citizen has a duty to fire at the suspect before said suspect can bring his evil thoughts to fruition. Once other citizens see what is going on, they should join in until said suspect is naught but a blot on the floor.

Of course, there will be severe collateral deaths due to friendly fire, but the lesson to be learned is valid in that it will soon prevent other evil-doers from even thinking about shooting innocent people.