Thursday, December 13, 2012

GFE Explains Just Why Deaths Occured At Oregon Mall

GFE, GUNS FOR EVERYONE, the national organization advocating individual responsibility in self-defense issues statement:

We, the GFE, repeat our standard message each time some idiot shoots up a mall, theater, school, or whatever:

If everyone from ages 1 to 10l had been armed with a pistol, AK-47, BAR, etc, that shooter would have been shot to doll rags before he could have killed more than 2 or 3 people. Yes, yes, of course, we know that with everyone shooting at him, many, many, more would have been killed. But, look at the bigger picture. After such things occurring now-and-then, mass shooters would be afraid to shoot up public places, because they know that regardless of how many others died, they themselves would be killed. Hence, no more public shooters, ever.

Unfortunately, some of our own members are yellow-livered, sissy, liberals who are for keeping arms out of the hands of those less than 1-year old.