Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bex Interviews GOP on "Rich Paying Taxes"

Bex: Welcome, GOP, it is indeed good to get you here. But, to be honest, I doctored that drink you just had with truth serum . You will be forced to tell the truth about what you really believe.

GOP: Ha! We never tell the truth about money and taxes.

Bex: Good. The truth serum is working. Now, to the question. Why do you object to the filthy rich paying taxes?

GOP: Here are the reasons:1. Our money is ours. Taxes are for the non-super rich. . 2. Our taxes would go to help the poor, aged, and ill. Let them pick themselves up by their bootstraps. 3. It is not fair for anyone to expect something from a class of people that they have never done before.

Bex: Well, that says it all, folks. Let's thank the GOP for that information.