Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gun Advocates Issue Demand For New Laws Governing Guns!!!!

Guns Without Limit (GWL) issue demand for new gun laws:

True, we are only the 3rd largest gun lobby in the USA following National Rifle Association, and Guns For All, but we and all our ilk are one in thought on this. We demand these laws:

1. Every citizen in the USA be obliged to carry at least 1
    automatic weapon in good firing order.
2. Each of these citizens be obliged to carry enough ammunition
    to engage in a firefight for 30 minutes.
3. Pistols and rifles are optional, but if carried, they must be fully
    loaded with at least 100 rounds of extra ammunition.
4. No gun shall have a safety. (What if you need to fire and forget
    the safety is on?)
5. Children less than 1 year old will carry miniature AK-47s which
    will be manufactured specifically for them.
6. Every citizen must be on constant alert for any other citizen that
    looks as though said citizen might be considering shooting up a
    public place.
7. Once said suspect is spotted, the alert citizen doing the spotting
    must immediately open fire on suspect.
8. All other citizens within earshot of gun fire must join in shooting
    until suspect is rendered to doll rags.

NOTE: It is innately obvious to all beings that idiots will soon stop even thinking about shooting up public places, because they know they will be killed regardless of who else is or is not also killed.