Monday, May 21, 2007

Dubya: Bex, What Part Of "I Don't Give A Shit" Don't You Understand?

Dubya rages,
Bex, I'll try to get through to you once again. Shake the sand out of your head and listen. The poor, sick, and elderly have no clout, have no money to give politicians donations, have shoddy houses without decent food and furniture. They will not...I repeat, so listen up, they will not miss more of what they already do not have. Now, do you understand? I will cut aid to them, education, health care, veterans, housing, and destroy Social Security and Medicaid. This will not affect the rich, and their excess wealth will trickle down to the poor who can then pick themselves up by their bootstraps. The poor are helped. The only ones to suffer are the rich who lose the excess wealth that trickles down to the poor.