Monday, May 28, 2007

Selfish Man Leaves Work For Others To Do

Man in England tried to get away without finishing his work. Put associates in bind. Now he doesn't want to pay for the work he caused them to do. Tsk, tsk, tsk.*
The Times of London reported that when an employee of the James Beauchamp law firm in Edgbaston, England, recently killed himself, the firm billed his mother the equivalent of US$20,000 for the expense of finishing up his office work.
Included in that amount was a bill for about US$2,300 to go to hishome to find out why he didn't show up at work (thus finding hisbody), plus about US$250 to go to his mother's home, knock onher door, and tell her that her son was dead. (After unfavorable publicity, the firm withdrew the bill.) [The Times (London)]