Wednesday, May 23, 2007

FDA And Drugs

Dubya solemnly summarizes,
I must pat myself on the back for my lucid, cogent, intelligent, logical, and completely satisfactory answers to all questions about drugs from Canada. No rational being can ever question my motivation after the answers of the past 4 days.
To wit:
a. Canadian drugs are unsafe
b. The FDA assures us our drugs are always safe.
c. News about Canada's deaths and injuries from their unsafe drugs are silenced by their government.
d. News about the deaths and injuries from unsafe US drugs are lies spread by our liberal, but free, press.
e. Most important: It is l00% purely conciendental that all this hubaloo about nothing started when drug makers donations to me rose at an exponential rate. Remember: These drug makers are still pleading with me to let you go go Canada for the cheaper drugs, but your safety comes first. We care, we really, really do.