Friday, May 25, 2007

Prexz Dubya Explains So-Called "FDA Drug Scandals"

Bex asks,
Dubya sir, If our drugs are so safe due to regulation by FDA, how do you explain the scandals like Vioxx, Redux, Thalidomide, and multitude others?
Dubya's definitive reply,
Anyone can make a mistake or two. Besides, the majority the US population was not harmed or killed. It only affected those who took the bad drugs. Progress must be made, and you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. The FDA allows drug makers to do what they want because the shame to the FDA caused by a few deaths forces them to investigate their own procedure.
I also can assue you that my administration does not in any way, shape, or form, pressure the FDA to allow the drug maker to do whatever makes them the most money...wether it be safe or not. This is just a rumor started by jealous dorks. It is also a pure coincidence that the donations given to us by drug makers increases exponentially each time the FDA approves a drug that causes a few deaths later on.