Thursday, September 22, 2011

JUSTICE SERVED??? What do you think?

September 22, 2011

12-year Brennan Segur said he was offered a narcotic pill in the school restroom in Parks Middle School, Parks, LA on 2 consecutive days.

He refused the first offer and took the 2nd offer, because he was afraid of being bullied. After the others left, he flushed the pill down the toilet and told his parents about the incident. His mother reported it to schools officials who then suspended Segur from school for 9 days. St. Martin Parish Superintendent Richard Lavergne state law was followed, because Brennan accepted the pill before flushing it.

September 23, 2011
Lavergne now changes his mind ands says that Segura can now return to class. This is after Lavergne
reviewed information. (Bex's take on this is the public outcry caused the reversal.)

Would you like to be in his shoes if he goes back? It would be like having a target on his back for the bullies.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Proof-Positive that Obama lives in dreamland.

GOP: Snort,snort...Obama wants millionaires to pay as much tax as the middle class.Don't we need someone based in reality to  be Prez? Tsk, tsk, what can we say? Obama just proved to the world what we've been saying: He does not which end is up or down to think we will let our  rich pals have to pay taxes.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge for sale in Louisiana

The La Secretary of State, Tom Schedler (R) , participated in a debate as he runs for re-election. His opponet, House Speaker, Jim Tucker, brought up the fact that Schedler had the lead role to raise the legislative pay about 64% and gave high-fives to colleagues after it passed. ( It was vetoed after a public outcry).

Schedler said he had no plans to accept the raise himself.

All who believe this should form a line to bid on the Golden Gate Bridge which has been moved to Louisiana.

Friday, September 9, 2011

GOP: Of course. You knew it would happen.

Bohner: Yep, it's true. You knew it. You expected it. You knew it had to happen. We wrote our rejection of Obama's jobs plan even before  it was finished and years before it was presented. In fact we did it before  it was thought of, because it was written  in anticipation that someday it might occur.

We don't care what it does to the peasants without jobs, if Obama is for something, we are against it.
Our slogan: Just say, "NO."

Snort, snort, hee, hee, ...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yep, and bears don't shit in the woods.

U.S. official: Pakistan didn't aid bin Laden By John Bacon, USA TODAY
President Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser said today there is no evidence to suggest that Pakistani government officials helped keep Osama bin Laden's Abottabad compound location a secret while U.S. officials pursued him after orchestrating the 9/11 attacks, USA TODAY's Kevin Johnson reports.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Boehner: What do we have in common with the peasants? Snort, snort

Members of Congress, such as Rep. Steve Southerland, R-Fla., believe that since members of Congress work such long hours, they should be paid more. He believes the $174,000 salary and benefits the average person would drool over are just not enough. I guess he simply forgot about the statements he has supported in the past about shared sacrifice.

  I am sure that somewhere in Rep. Southerland's constituency we could find a single mother of three who is working 60 hours a week without benefits to try to provide for her children. I am sure we could find a senior couple that has issues paying for their medication, food and other bills on Social Security alone. I guess that shared sacrifice must only apply to the average person and not the geniuses that we elect to Congress. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

GOP: It's either them or us, and we don't know how. (Snort, snort)

Do Republicans Really Want to Cut Taxes on the Wealthy and Raise Them on Everyone Else?

Of all the curious rhetoric floating around both Washington and the campaign trail, the strangest may be the demand of many Republicans that Congress raise taxes for low-income working households even as it cuts taxes for the wealthy. The left has, not surprisingly, gleefully leapt on the issue. And, honestly, it seems like terrible politics for the GOP.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yes, and the Earth IS flat!!!!

Perry says he doesn't believe in global warming

EDFORD, N.H. (AP) — GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry told New Hampshire voters Wednesday that he does not believe in manmade global warming.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Buffett calls for more taxes on 'mega-rich'

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett is calling on the so-called "mega-rich" to pay more in taxes.
Buffett said Monday in a New York Times opinion piece that he would immediately raise rates on households with taxable income of more than $1 million, and he would add an additional increase for those making $10 million or more.

He also recommends that the 12 members of Congress charged with devising a deficit-cutting plan leave rates for 99.7 percent of taxpayers unchanged.

"My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress," Buffett wrote. "It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice."
Buffett noted that the mega-rich pay income taxes at a rate of 15 percent on most investment income but practically nothing in payroll taxes. The middle class, meanwhile, typically falls into the 15 percent and 25 percent income tax brackets and is hit with heavy payroll taxes. He said Washington legislators "feel compelled to protect us, much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Democrats: IRS Must Think It Is God

IRS is trying to imitate God by saying these unions are not legitimate.

Feds not recognizing relationship means costly workarounds come tax time       

For all those same-sex newlyweds in New York, Lawrence S. Jacobs has a message: Enjoy the Champagne and the honeymoon, but expect no gifts from the IRS. Jacobs, a lawyer in Washington, specializes in estate planning for same-sex couples — and in delivering the bad news that their unions aren’t legal in the eyes of the IRS, a policy that will cost them time and money during tax season.    

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Democrats: God? GOD???? Surely Ye Jest!!!!!

DNC issues definitive ruling on its teaching:

God says it is to be man and woman...not woman and woman and not man  and man? This proves that God is prejudiced against practicing homosexuals. We don't care what God says, we do as we please.

God says do not kill the unborn and condemns abortion? Why did He make sex pleasurable then? We have to pay for it by raising a kid? We think not. Kill them before they are born. We don't care what God says, we do as we please.

Monday, August 1, 2011

GOP Justifies Why Rich Should Not Pay Taxes

GOP: It is common knowledge that the Catholic faith teaches that God willed that His faith be revealed by both the Bible and Tradition. Good, now let's talk about the GOP tradition: It is traditional that we rich people do not pay taxes. Now you cannot argue with this logic: If it's good enough for God, it is good enough for us.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

GOP: Bottom Line

GOP: How in hell will a US Govergnment default affect us, the rich? It will not. How in the hell will having us rich folks pay taxes to avoid a default affect us? A hell of a lot. Hmmmmm! What should we do? Pay taxes? We think not!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

GOP: Whoa! You've Got To Be Kidding!!

GOP: It has been suggested that we help to balance the budget by sacrificing some of our perks such as:

a. Free doctor in-home visits for us and our families.

b. Free transportation to wherever.

c. Free eduction for   our children.

 d. Reducing the amount of the bribes we accept, ... etc.

Surely, ye jest. What are the non-rich for if not to have backs on which to balance the budget? Tsk, tsk.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Casey Anthony: I want my life back.

Casey: The jury has decided that I am as innocent as OJ was. Now it is time for me to continue my life according to my priorties. First, time to party day and night. Next, arrange my movie, guest spots on talk shows, book deals, ect, in order of which pays the most. Finally, realize that this good live cannot last forever and that a backup plan must be formed. Hmmmm, this is  the easy part. I simply get another baby....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Just As Innocent As O.J.

Cassey: Ah ha! Party time.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bigwigs from DNS and GOP debate on their reputations.

Bex interviewed bigwigs of both GOP  and DNS to access their views of their pros and cons.

Bex: OK, GOP, you go first.

GOP: Never in the history of mankind can any political party lay claim to more corruption that which  
          is to be found in our party. This is self-evident to any rational or irrational person.

Bex: Well, I do agree with you. However, do you have an cons?

GOP: Unfortunately, we do, and we assure everyone that we are not proud of it and are working daily
          to remedy the situation. In spite of all of our efforts, some poor, aged, and  ill people are still
          around and have not  yet been thrown out with the bath water.

Bex: Wow! Again, the truth of that is self-evident to everyone. Now let's hear the pros of the DNS
        from the viewpoints of their bigwigs.

DNS: We are proud of the progress we have made in the lawful murder of the living, unborn babies.
          Also, our progress in tearing down  the laws of nature and God by promoting same-sex unions is
          high on our highs. Jimmy Carter was the most incompetent Prez ever, and that's a fact.

Bex: How true. All bigwigs here must have been injected with massive doses of truth serum. OK, DNS,
        what are your cons?

DNS: We hang our heads in shame, but we daily try to rectify these lows. We can murder living,
          unborn babies, but what about those that are less than 1 week old? Doesn't the mother have a
          right to change her mind if  she first wanted it to live? Also, same-sex unions are decried by
          some people just because God forbade it and sanctioned only marriage between male and
         female. We want everyone to embrace it.

Bex: The facts stated are true, complete, and self-evident even to a turnip.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Proof that justice can exist in the USA

Texas man dies while raping elderly woman

 AFP/Illustration – A Texas man died while raping a 77-year-old woman, according to local media(AFP/Illustration)       
CHICAGO (AFP) – A Texas man died while raping a 77-year-old woman, local media reported.
Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez, 53, broke into the woman's rural home armed with a knife and attacked her.
But in the midst of the rape he complained he wasn't feeling well and "stopped having sex with her so he could rest," the Corpus Christi Caller reported citing the local sheriff's office.
The registered sex offender continued to fondle her, however, then rolled over and died.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

GOP vs DNS: Debate on which has the most to offer.

GOP: We have a tradition and history of being the most corrupt, completely immoral, and caring less for the  poor, ill, and aged. We do protect the rich, powerful, and unborn. We deserve power. Vote for us (you get $10 each time you vote for us. Vote often. Snort, snort)

DNS: How can the GOP be more immoral than us? We murder the unborn and encourage same-sex unions. We do protect the poor, ill, and aged. We deserve power. Vote for us (we will match whatever our oppenents pay. Vote often. Snort, snort.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Drug CEO's and FDA: Think of the all the good in the long term.

Smoking-pill suicides overlooked in missing reports       

Drugmaker sent data to FDA through 'improper channels'

Hundreds of reports of suicides, psychotic reactions and other serious problems tied to the popular stop-smoking drug Chantix were left out of a crucial government safety review because Pfizer Inc., the drug’s manufacturer, submitted years of data through “improper channels.”

CEO's: My bad. (Snort, snort). Hell, we have a right to put a loaf of bread on the table. Think of all the billions lost in bonuses and profits if we had used the "proper channels". Damn liberal press.

FDA: My bad. (Snort, snort). Anyone can make a mistake. There is no connection to our "overlooking" the reports and the donations they give us.  Damn liberal press.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GOP and DNC each claim it's doing the most to save money on health care..

GOP: We will  get rid of Medicare which will cause the aged, ill, and poor, to die quicker. Hence, money is saved on health care.

DNC: We will kill the unborn babies via abortion which means less money is spent on kids who would normally grow up thus saving money on health care. Also, we support same-sex unions, and these people aren't going to have kids, therefore, less money needed for health care.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

DNC:Obey 9 of the Ten Commandments

DNC: Everyone who believes in God should always obey 9 of the Ten Commandments. However, one of them, "Thou shalt not kill" does not apply to a living, breathing, heart-beating, pain-feeling, unborn baby. Yes, God intended to include those, but can He be correct all the time? Can anyone? Did not our Supreme Court say it's OK to slaughter them?  Heck, God is right 90% of the time which is more than anyone else.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama has plan to guarantee world peace.

Obama: It is not right for us to insist that Israel retreat to the 1967 borders when we, ourselves, have extended our borders over the years. The USA needs to retreat to the borders it had in 1776, and world peace with naturally flow.

We need to set an example, and pretty soon all  other nations will follow suit. Aaaa, surely I'll receive the Nobel Peace Prize for this brilliant piece of thinking.

Can you imagine that Israeli guy saying I have no concept of reality ? Tsk, tsk.

GOP: We have proof that something can be and not be at the same time.

GOP: First, let's assume a GOP candidate cannot waffle or tell a lie. (Snort, snort...oh, sorry.)

George Bush said,"read my lips" about no new taxes and then had them raised.

Mitt Romney had mandatory health coverage is his home state and now condems Obama for the same  thing.

But they cannot lie or waffle, so logic dictates that contradictory things can exist at the same time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Harold Camping:, I, that is blah, blah.

Camping: Hmmm, let's see. What should I say now that Rapture did not arrive. Let me choose:

a. A simple math error. No, I used  that last time.

b. The media misquoted what I said.

c. I flatly deny saying anything. The media is trying to smear me.

d. People did not have enough faith, so God postponed it.

e. God was so pleased with the faith of my cult that He decided to give the sinners another chance.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama and Middle East: This says it all. The definitive statement.

Israel official: Obama doesn't 'understand the reality'

Ahead of White House meeting, Netanyahu dismisses president's position as 'indefensible'

Saturday, May 14, 2011

GOP: And how does this affect our rich pals?

The nation’s major health insurers are barreling into a third year of record profits, enriched in recent months by a lingering recessionary mind-set among Americans who are postponing or forgoing medical care.
The UnitedHealth Group, one of the largest commercial insurers, told analysts that so far this year, insured hospital stays actually decreased in some instances.
Yet the companies continue to press for higher premiums, even though their reserve coffers are flush with profits and shareholders have been rewarded with new dividends.

Friday, April 29, 2011

GOP: Repeal tax breaks for Big Oil? CEOs won't be able to put a loaf of bread on the table.

GOP: Yep, Obama is at it again. He wants to repeal tax breaks for our pals, Big Oil. Why, EXXON only had a profit of 11 billion in the 1st Q. Big Oil will have to choose between feeding their families or giving us donations to vote their way.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Belly laugh time. Or, if you believe this can happen, I will sell you the Golden Gate Bridge.

Carl Levin should be on SNL.

Goldman Sachs execs: Going to jail, after all?

Fri Apr 15, 1:14 pm ETNew York – Sen. Carl Levin says the bank misled its clients and Congress and that Goldman executives could still face charges.

Goldman Sachs manipulated financial markets, profited from the housing crisis, and misled its clients and Congress, according to a 635-page report released Wednesday by a Senate subcommittee. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), the chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, says some of the findings of the panel's two-year investigation will be referred to the Justice Department for possible criminal or civil action. He calls the investment bank a "financial snake pit rife with greed, conflicts of interest, and wrongdoing."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Son Grasps Wisdom of Dad


White House warns of debt 'Armageddon'

White House warns of debt 'Armageddon' AFP/File – US President Barack Obama speaking about the budget on April 8. The White House warned Republicans on …
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The White House warned Republicans on Monday that failing to raise the $14.29 trillion US debt limit would spark "Armageddon-like" consequences for the slowly recovering US economy.

As a new political showdown looms over the economy following a defused budget row, aides also said President Barack Obama now "regrets" his vote as a senator against raising the debt ceiling in 2006, calling it "a mistake."
Son: But,, but you are posting something bad about the Dems.
Dad: Yes, but I see the good and evil in both GOP and Dems.
Son:, the GOP can do no wrong and the Dems can do no good.
Dad: Listen Grasshopper, the Dems murder the unborn but they want health care for all the living. The GOP protects the unborn but want the poor, sick and disabled to have no means to survive. Both are corrupt. Whichever is in power try to outdo the other in spending and corruption.
Son :I see, I see! Er..., that's true, but I can't force myself to say anything bad about the GOP or good about the Dems.. I can't be fair minded about both parties as you are.
Dad: Ahh, good! That's the first step. Seeing comes first and admitting will naturally follow.
Son: But...but, its so hard.
Dad: Yes, it is. But you must have the will to see the truth and then the strength to admit it.
Son: I...I will try.
Dad: I have confidence in you and am proud of you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

DNC and GOP given equal time to air views over government shutdown.

Background: By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Andrew Taylor, Associated Press13 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The top Democrat on Capitol Hill is blaming a potential government shutdown Friday night on House Speaker John Boehner's insistence on keeping conservative policy prescriptions on the environment and abortion in a must-pass government funding bill.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said late-night negotiations have largely produced an agreement on how much to cut spending but that Republicans are insisting on rewriting the Clean Air Act and injecting abortion into the debate.

Among the abortion battles on the bill is a ban on taxpayer-funded abortions in Washington, D.C.

DNC: No abortions? No murdering of the unborn? No killing babies? Don't we have a right to sex without responsibilities? Don't we have a right for recreation? Can't we indulge our deviant desires without having to pay? Hell, these babies can't even talk, walk, or vote.

GOP: No raping the environment? No destroying the future of our children? Don't we have a right to unlimited profits without responsibilities? Don't we have a right to shaft the poor, ill, and aged? Can't we top our mega wealth without sob stories from the  non-rich? Hell, the non-wealthy are too poor to influence our actions with bribes.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GOP Leader Pleas For Help!!!!!

John Boehner:

 We all know that there are traitors in every organization, and the GOP is no exception. We, paid some of our own people to do "unbiased" (snort, snort) research to prove there is no global warming. The initial report shows there is global warning.

What if the final report by these traitors shows the same result? Like we give a shit about the environment or polar bears if they interfere with our profits? Hell no! We must prepare a defense in advance in case these traitors dare to print  the truth. Everyone knows that our defense has always been a denial of global warming, but we must now change our direction of defense. We must prepare what to do for the near future when science proves there is global warming. We now need to make them prove our pollution is the cause. We need an apologist to approach in this  way:

      1. Everyone knows that from the dawn of man  until our pollution there has been no global warming on earth. Every logical, sane, person will quickly realize that there is no other possible cause.
Therefore, we must rely on someone's gift -of-gab to  make our opponents try to do what cannot be done, ie, prove a negative.

     2. We must make  them prove that all other actions are not the reason for global warming. For example, make them prove that pollution is not from some  outer space alien race trying to conquer Earth. Don't ever forget that when they show there is no other cause on earth,  you say, "so? Prove it doesn't come from outer space."

 I am sure there are people who will be too embarrassed to admit they are wrong, so we offer mucho
$ for specious propaganda.

Friday, March 25, 2011

GOP: All belong to our party. (Snicker, snicker)

G.E. paid no taxes on $5.1 billion in profit

By Brett Michael Dykesbrett Michael DykesFri Mar 25, 11:24 am ET
As Washington worries about the United States' growing deficit problem, there's mounting evidence the government is failing to collect taxes from wealthy individuals and corporations. A piece in today's New York Times by David Kocieniewski outlines how G.E. skirted paying any taxes on $5.1 billion in profits in 2010--in addition to claiming a $3.2 billion tax credit.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Proof that Arnold Schwarzenegger is really a Democrat.

Whoa! Didn't Fabian Nunez give a big donation to Scharzie's campaign for governor? Didn't Scharzie's reign result in California going broke? Would any Republican, regardless of how dim-witted, simple, and stupid, allow that to happen? Of course not. Therefore, Scharzie is a Democrat.
California Republicans delivered a final slap to former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at their convention in Sacramento Sunday, formally chiding him for shortening the sentence of the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez.

Luis Santos, a 22-year old college student was stabbed to death near San Diego State University in 2008. Prosecutors alleged that after Esteban Núñez and three friends were barred from a fraternity party, they started a fight that led to Santos’ death.

Schwarzenegger’s decision earlier this year to reduce Núñez’s sentence from 16 years to seven years infuriated prosecutors as well as the victim's family, which was not notified beforehand.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

GOP: Our New President will be Coulter who has given the solution to the problem of the non-rich.

GOP: With a brilliant insight our new Prez-to-be has found the solution to all our problems in one fell stroke. She said that radiation is good for you since it reduces the chances of getting cancer.

We will ship all the poor, ill, and disabled, to Japan so they can partake of those good, healthy, cancer-curing rays. Only our rich pals who can afford to be healthy will remain. Our only problem will be to be build  bigger banks to hold all our money.

Friday, March 18, 2011

GOP: We Care For The Poor. We will pay for their trip to Japan to make sure they never get cancer.

Ann Coulter talks Japan earthquake, tsunami with Bill O'Reilly: 'Radiation is good for you'

Friday, March 18th 2011, 9:45 AM
Ann Coulter told Bill O'Reilly on Thursday that "radiation is good for you."
Ann Coulter told Bill O'Reilly on Thursday that "radiation is good for you."
Right-wing blowhard Ann Coulter took her incendiary views to a whole new level Thursday, this time finding the silver lining in Japan's nuclear disaster.
During a segment on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show, the conservative firebrand tried to calm jittery viewers by telling them "radiation is good for you."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unhealthy, Unemployed, Uninsured: 52 Million Americans Without In 2010

The problem of the uninsured in the United States has been getting worse. During 2010, some 52 million Americans went without health insurance, compared to 38 million in 2001. Seventy five million Americans skipped doctor visits all together, along with prescriptions and recommended tests or treatments in 2010 because of costs. That's up from 47 million in 2001. Among people with insurance who have had high deductibles, 31% percent skipped care due to cost.

GOP: See? If these bums want to be healthy, why don't they get rich the same way we did. Hell, we used inheritance and corruption. They expect us to pay taxes to help them? They need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps...oh, that involves work, a word alien to them as paying  taxes is to us.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Georgia GOP Raising Taxes On Girl Scout Cookies While Cutting Taxes On Foreign Corporations

GOP: We are desparate for cash. Our state is  broke. expect us to tax our own? The rich do not, will not, and have never paid taxes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wisconsin Gov: But...but, against me? Why? Just 'cuz I want to be dictator?

A poll out today by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute shows President Obama’s and Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s approval ratings heading in opposite directions.

Obama’s approval rating sits at a comfortable 53%-42%, above the national average, and a nine-point improvement in the poll from November.
By contrast, Walker’s approval rating is upside down – with 43% approving and 53% disapproving of how he’s handling his job. Walker’s “strongly disapprove” is a sky-high 45%; Obama’s is 26%.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Walker: How dare they print the truth about my lies?

OK, let's be clear about this — the protests going on in Wisconsin and other Republican-controlled, Midwestern states have nothing to do with balancing budgets and everything to do with political strategy and union-busting.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a tea-bagger to the ultimate degree, is out to destroy the public sector unions of the state.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

DNC: The public is objecting to the GOP trying to balance budget on backs of poor. We can relax and relax by advocating murding more babies via abortion. (Snicker, snicker)

DNC: We say every abortion clinic should get free government funding so those who want sex don't have to worry about any consequences. Sure, God says it's murder, but that's teaching from "pie in the sky" religion.

GOP: We can afford to send our children to private schools. The poor should get rich so they can also do so.

For Angela Goines, who has two children in the Detroit Public Schools, news that the system could make historically drastic budget cuts has left her with "agony in my heart."

Detroit school officials say they have no choice after Michigan education officials last week ordered them to implement a contingency plan intended to eliminate the system's $327 million deficit by 2014.

Robert Bobb, the system's emergency financial director, said that to comply, Detroit will have to close 70 of its 142 schools, shut down most bus service and eliminate individual school principals in favor of principals in charge of school "regions." An announcement is expected in April on how many hundreds of teachers would be laid off.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: No Rational Being Can Refute This Logic.

Walker: Would you expect a person in the middle of Africa to  speak English if he had never been exposed to it? By analogy, follow my logic to see why collective bargaining should be banned.

Wisconsin is broke, and there are only two possible ways to remedy the situation:

 First, cancel collective bargaining, cut health care, pay, and benefits for teachers and public workers (do not include firefighter and police unions, because, after all, they did support me during the election.(Snicker,snicker). We can balance the budget off their backs.

Second: Pass laws forcing  the rich to pay taxes. Now, my anology comes into play. The rich have never been exposed to taxes and do not know the meaning of the word. Suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, we should impose a thing unknown on them?

GOP: So? They can pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

Economist predicts GOP cuts would cost 700,000 jobsA report by economist Mark Zandi from Moody’s says that Republicans’ plan to cut spending would cost 700,000 jobs through 2012, the Washington Post reports.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Former MADD Prez: Do as I say, not as I do.

Former president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving  was recently arrested on a DUI charge in Florida.  Police say Debra Oberlin failed a field sobriety test and her blood alcohol level was well above the state's legal limit

She had a .239 reading.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Death Penalty Is Wrong? Even For This?

Michael Grzybowicz: Ahhha, it was sooooo good!

ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.

Michael Grzybowicz of Cocoa Beach, Fla., has been held without bail in the Brevard County Jail since Saturday, Orange County sheriff's deputies said.

Grzybowicz is accused of raping the child on Feb. 17 after her mother had asked him to briefly watch the toddler inside the theme park, according to Orlando TV station WESH.

Pictures of the alleged rape were found on Grzybowicz’ phone and sent to his e-mail account, the sheriff's office said

GOP: Here are a Few Of Our Cuts (Snicker, snicker). They Won 't Affect Our Rich Pals. Let The Poor, Sick, Disabled, and Aged Get Rich, And They Won't Be Affected Either.

-$49 million - Training and Employment Services

-$1 million - Mine Safety and Health Administration

-$40 million - Labor Department, Salaries and Expenses

-$397 million - Health Resources and Services

-$21 million - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

-$15 million - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

-$3 million - CMS, program management

-$21 million - Children and Families Services program

-$1 million - Child Care Development Block Grant

-$6 million - Administration on Aging

-$2 million - HHS Office of the Secretary, departmental management

-$5 million - School Improvement Programs

-$229 million - Department of Education - Innovation and Improvement

-$32 million - Safe Schools and Citizenship Education

-$22 million - Special Education

-$5 million Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research

Friday, February 25, 2011

FDA Director Rogers: Rogers defended the FDA's actions at Triad, saying the agency had monitored the firm closely during recent inspections in July 2009 and again in April and May 2010

Bex: Wow! Closely monitored?  Can you imagine what would have happened if it had not been?

FDA: Hey ,man, death  happens, and not many died that we know of. Besides, thisis nothing compared to some of our past history. Suck it up.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LiLo Laughs So Hard She Cracks Rib

Feb 23 2011 1:40 PM EST 31,100

Lindsay Lohan 'Will Be Going To Jail' If She Accepts Plea Deal. Judge tells Lohan if she pleads guilty to theft charge, she will serve time for probation violation.

Lohan knows this is bull shit said to make it look like equal justice for all but can't keep from laughing. She will sue judge for his irresponsible statements making her laugh.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Gov: Here Is The Reason Police And Firefighters Unions Are Not Included In My Law To Prohibit Unions.

Gov: Need you ask? Any idiot already knows. The Police and firefighters unions donated to and supported my campaign to be governor.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Boehner: He Dared To Cut MY Pork?

In a career-defining victory for a young lawmaker, sophomore Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) corralled conservative freshmen to beat his own party leadership this week, spearheading a pivotal House vote to cut $450 million for a competitive engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Top House leaders - Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and House Armed Services Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.) - were arrayed in favor of preserving the program, in part because the alternative engine is built by GE, a big employer in Boehner’s home state of Ohio.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GOP: Agast! He, he wants to get rid of some tax breaks for big biz and for our rich pals. He thinks we should pay taxes just like the peasants do?

U.S. President Barack Obama yesterday (Monday) sent to Congress his $3.7 trillion budget request for fiscal year 2012. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

ACLU: Ha! How Dare They Use Past And Present Experience As An Excuse To Denounce Extremists.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared multiculturalism a failure, echoing British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and confusing some French who say it was never tried anyway.

 Despite their differences, all three say they have a problem with the integration of Muslims and their statements on multiculturalism clearly focus on those minorities.

National Union Of Women Denounce Bex

NUW releases statement: Yep! Bex is at it again. We know that unborn babies are fodder to be aborted. They are simply maasses of organic matter until after they are born.
Bex publishes this picture to show babies are living .
We will team up with Democrats to declare anyone publishing crap like this in the future will be shot.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Would Consider No-Jail Plea Bargain, Her Lawyer Says

LiLo: I am as innocent as I was in all the other cases. But, I've already spent an hour in jail and now I just want it to all go away. After all, am I not a rich celebrity?

(CBS/AP) Lindsay Lohan entered a "not guilty" plea in Los Angeles Superior Court Wednesday, but would consider entering into a plea deal if it meant she would avoid jail, her attorney said Thursday.

Lohan's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, told CNN that although the grand theft charge is "entirely defensible," her client would consider making a deal in order to stay out of jail and get back on the road to recovery.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

DNC: Sure, We Kill The Unborn, But We Are Not Hypocrites.

DNC issues memo: We are proud to support same-sex marriage and murder the unborn, and we don't give two hoots what God says about this. At least we are not hypocrites as the GOP is. Here is the latest example.

The GOP sponsored a bill to prohibit funding for abortion that resulted in pregnancy from rape. After a hue and cry, they changed it to read "forcible rape" and said that is what they meant all along.

We all know this is a lie, but you see how they backed down with a little pressure? Now they say it's OK to kill an innocent that results from forcible rape. Ha! We say kill 'em all if you want to, and we don't back down.

Boehner: We Will Retify It. We Simply Did Not Realize That Some Sick Children Would Still Get Help. More Cuts Are Necessary.

House GOP battles turmoil in its ranks

Pressure on spending cuts, surprise floor defeats show fraying party unity

For the second consecutive day, House Republicans on Wednesday lost a floor vote due to a mini-revolt, this time over a plan to demand a repayment from the United Nations. Earlier in the day, members of the party’s conservative bloc used a closed-door party meeting to push the leadership to go well beyond its plans to trim about $40 billion from domestic spending and foreign aid this year, demanding $100 billion or more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LiLo: Prosecutors Are Doing This For Publicity. They Know I'll Get Probation, or 3 Hours in Jail, or Sent To Rehab Again.

Lohan charged with felony theft over necklace

LOS ANGELES – Prosecutors charged Lindsay Lohan Wednesday with felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace — a case that could return the troubled starlet to jail rather than the big screen.
Lohan charged with felony theft over necklace

Prosecutors want Superior Court Judge Keith Schwartz to set bail at $20,000, according to the complaint. If convicted, Lohan could face up to three years in state prison.

Boehner: It', It's Clinton's Fault.

  Republicans brace for another floor vote loss.

House Republicans are pointing fingers at one another the day after a vote on the Patriot Act failed on their watch, and they’re already bracing for another embarrassing floor vote Wednesday.

GOP aides predict that the House will fail to pass a bill Wednesday that would retrieve money already paid to the United Nations — a rejection which would bring their legislative losses to three bills this week. The U.N. bill would return $179 million that was paid into the U.N. tax equalization fund.

But even with a 65-seat majority, Republicans are still blaming Democrats for their troubles.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boehner: And The Poorest One Has Over $8,000,000. My Kind Of VP.

That's the ticket: GOP loves look of VP field

From its highest levels to the grass roots, the GOP is buzzing over Marco, Bobby and Susana, as well as more than a half-dozen other junior Republican officeholders who have captured the party’s imagination in ways that the current 2012 presidential field hasn’t come close to doing.

It’s almost as though there is more excitement over the deep pool of vice presidential prospects than over the emerging roster of presidential candidates, which is largely composed of white, male, former and soon-to-be-former governors, none of them from the biggest battleground states.

Look at my tears of joy.

Boehner: Whatever! We Rich Won't Suffer Either Way.

WASHINGTON — The Republican drive to cut spending, which begins in earnest this week, marks a political gamble that the public's hunger for smaller government will trump its appetite for benefits, subsidies and other federal support.

Assange: The Bitch Should Prosecute Me Just Over A Little Rape Or Two?

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange stands with his lawyer Jennifer Robinson in front of Belmarsh Magistrates' Court in London

The extradition hearings in London Monday of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange drips with intrigue: a mysterious Australian hacker accused of sex crimes by two Swedish women. Now add this to the mix: Monday, a retired female judge accused the female Swedish prosecutor attempting to extradite Assange of having a "biased view" against men.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

GOP: WOW! He Can Afford To Join Our Country Club.

Egypt’s embattled President Hosni Mubarak’s and his family’s net worth is estimated to be between U.S. dollars 40 and 70 billion, a media report said.

The wealth of the Egypt’s first family was built largely from military contracts during his days as an air force officer; Mr. Mubarak eventually diversified his investments through his family when he became President in 1981, the ABC News quoted experts as saying.

The family’s net worth now ranges from U.S. dollars 40 to 70 billion, by some estimates, the report said.

Amaney Jamal, a political science professor at Princeton, said those estimates are comparable with the vast wealth of leaders in other Gulf countries.

“The business ventures from his military and government service accumulated to his personal wealth. There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain,” Ms. Jamal was quoted as saying.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: Fools: You Still Don't Know There IS A Different Standard Of Justice For The Rich And Famous And Average Joes and Janes?

Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ the L.A. County District Attorney will file the case as early as Monday.

Lindsay is accused of stealing a $2,500 necklace from a Venice, CA jewelry store on January 22. Surveillance video from the store shows Lindsay with the necklace in question and there are photos of her wearing what appears to be the same necklace a week later.

If convicted ... Lindsay faces a maximum of three years in state prison.

Sources connected with Lindsay tell TMZ ... Lindsay says she'll fight the charge and she's sticking with her story that she took the jewelry on loan.

The case could also have a dramatic impact on her ongoing DUI case in Beverly Hills since she is currently on probation.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Weebl And Bob On The Moon

Whaat really happens on the moon?
Weebls Stuff - On The Moon Ep.7.

Bob shows Weebl How To Do Housework

Mubarak: I Want To Go, But I Must Stay For The Good Of Egypt

Hosni: Gee, how I want to go, but just imagine the chaos if I leave. Tsk, tsk, guess I'll just have to stay.

It's not that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak wants to stay in power, you understand; he's "fed up" with being President but has no choice other than to carry on — because if he quits, the result will be chaos and a Muslim Brotherhood takeover. And in an extended interview on state-controlled Nile TV, Vice President Omar Suleiman — Mubarak's intelligence chief and the power behind his throne — made clear that the regime is digging in for a fight.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Impossible: A World Leader With The Courage To Be Politically Incorrect

Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia   gave a speech daring to voice what other countries think but are afraid to say.

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:


'I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted."

Boehner Explains Broken Promise: We Realized Some Of Our Rich Pals Would Not Be Able To Double-Dip.

GOP proposed cuts add up to less than promised.

In their "Pledge to America," Republicans promised they would cut $100 billion from the nation's budget. On closer inspection, however, the actual savings found equals $32 billion.

FBI and Army: But, But, It's Politically Incorrect To Do Anything That Seems To Accuse "The Religion Of Peace" Of Terror.

Report says the FBI and the Army ignored warnings that could have prevented shootings

Officials hampered by bureaucracy and unwillingness to confront extremism, the report claims.

Shooting suspect Maj. Nidal Hasan potentially faces the death penalty

Washington (CNN) -- FBI and Army officials repeatedly ignored multiple warning signs that could have prevented the November 2009 massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, according to a long-awaited report released Thursday by two U.S. senators.

The inability to act was a result of both bureaucratic inefficiency and an unwillingness to identify and confront homegrown Islamic extremism, the report concludes.

DNC: GOP Is Finallly Starting To See That The Unborn Are Not Entitled To Life

GOP Lawmaker to Revise Anti-Abortion Bill 'Misconstrued' as Limiting Rape Exception
A burgeoning controversy over the definition of rape in abortion policy has prompted a Republican congressman to assure critics that his bill meant to permanently prevent taxpayer dollars from funding abortions would not exclude any rape victims from federal coverage.

The "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," introduced late last month by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., has generated heated criticism from advocacy groups who say the legislative language makes it possible to exclude everything from date rape to statutory rape.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DNC: We Democrats Are Not The Only Ones Who Laugh At God's Laws

GOP senator announces support for Md. same-sex marriage bill

By John Wagner

Sen. Allan H. Kittleman (R-Howard) formally announced his support Wednesday morning for legislation that would allow same-sex marriages in Maryland, saying he would vote for the bill "because of my firm belief in equal rights."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Payback Time!!!

Your neighbor is a snob who thinks you are low-life. You really are but just don't like her saying it. Teach lesson: Do what you do best: Be lowlife. Each night sneak into her bathroom and leave momento.

Bob Shows Weebl How To do Housework

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

Swedish Man Jailed for Pooping on Store's Floor

January 31, 2011 07:20 PM EST

A man from Sweden was sentenced to jail for eight months for pooping on the floor of a store.

The strange but true incident happened in FinspÃ¥ng last November. Apparently, the store denied the man access to their facilities, citing health regulations that are incredibly strict. Of course, it would have been better to allow the man to use the toilet rather than have him defecate on the store’s floor.

The man got quite upset after hearing the news that he couldn’t use the store’s restroom, so he chose to simply squat on the floor and go number two.

Oh dear, this must have been quite a terrible disaster for the store clerks as well as the other shoppers.

The cashier said in court, “He pulled down his pants, squatted on the floor, and pooped.” While he was going, he also insulted the cashier.

How dare he?

After he had finished his business, he stole some candy and ran out of the store.

Monday, January 31, 2011

If You Believe This Will Work, Then Have I Got A Golden Gate Bridge For You To Buy.

Charlie Sheen Rehabs At Home!

Charlie Sheen doesn't have to travel far to get better, because TMZ has learned he's doing rehab at home.

Sources connected with the actor tell us ... CBS, Warner Bros. and Charlie put their heads together and found an expert in addiction they think can help Charlie conquer his demons.

The expert and other professionals are coming to Charlie's gated community in L.A., in no small part for privacy reasons. Many rehab facilities can be tricky when it comes to patients and others spilling secrets.

Boehner: U.S. Will Not Default on Debt, But Congress Will Slash Spending

John Boehner: We will balance the budget by simply removing all funding for the sick, disabled, and poor. They have bootstraps the same as me and my rich pals. Let them pick themselves up by their own bootstraps and feel good about themselves.

You say they will die? People die!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bristol Palin: They Want A Virgin To Discuss Virtues Of Virginity? Ha! Get Real!

Washington University has announced that Bristol Palin will no longer be speaking during its annual "Sexual Responsibility Week," as announced earlier this week.

She had been scheduled to speak on abstinence, but after her speaking fee of $20,000 came to light, a number of students felt this would be an inappropriate use of university activity committee funds. Although Bristol Palin is known to be a politically polarizing figure, most students are insisting it is not her politics but her exhorbitant fee that has them concerned.

Her fee will be taken from an annual activity fee into which all students pay to cover events and activities. But that's not their only concern. Palin may simply be unqualified to speak to abstinence-only education.

"Her only qualification for speaking about abstinence is that she did not abstain." Student Jon Branfman told the St. Louis Beacon.


Top World Bankers Offer To Sell Golden gate Bridge

Bankers release memo to banking world: Snort, snort, yuk, yuk. It was like clubbing baby seals. Really no challenge at all.

DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) – Top bankers adopted a softer tone after high-level meetings at the World Economic Forum on Saturday, thanking governments for shoring up the financial system in the hope of avoiding tighter regulation.

But, in a reminder of the problems banks still face after absorbing billions of dollars of taxpayers' money in bailouts, French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said financiers needed to show real thanks by changing their behavior.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pro-Deathers: What's The Crime In Kermit Gosnell Being Untidy?

Pro-Deathers release memo:

 Our great US Supreme Court has ruled that unborn babies can be killed, because they are unfit for life or they are just mounds of lifeless matter. So our boy Kerm is untidy by having, matter parts in the shapes of heads, legs, arms, and torsos lying around his shop. Should you be arrested just 'cause you haven't cleaned your house? Of course not. Neither should Kerm.

We praise our boy, Kerm
Who's the cure for the effects of sperm,
He brings babies lives to term
His right to kill is very firm

Pro-Deathers,  Pro-Deathers, we are proud Pro-Deathers
There is nothing good about Pro-Lifers,
If the thrill of watching the unborn gasp
their last breath while in our grasp

Makes you want the thrill of the kill
and gives you the notion to do an abortion,
Just come to  one of our killing places
and help  us flush those unknown faces.

Pro-Deathers, Pro-Deathers
we are proud Pro-Deathers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ohio Mom Dares To Want Better School For Kids

Can you imagine? This mom lives in a crime-ridden neighborhood, but wants her children to have a chance to have a better life. She must think they are better than the criminals living near her. Ha! This Ohio school district is not about to be fooled. This Mom is now a felon. She will think twice before trying to better her children in the future.

Read the story.

 Ohio Mom Jailed for Sending Her Kids to a Better School

Much of the poltical rhetoric on education reform has centered on the ability of parents to send their children to better schools, particularly in situations where they were forced to send them to schools that were failing. But in the case of Kelley Williams-Bolar, her desire to get her children better educational placement landed her in jail, and may well derail her aspirations of becoming a teacher herself.

Williams-Bolar, 40, and her two children live in housing projects in Akron, Ohio. For two years, she sent them to school in the Copley-Fairlawn district, where her father lived, because it was a safer environment -- the high crime rate in her area drove her decision. The suburban school district hired a private investigator to find their residential records and it turned out she listed the children as living in that district, although they actually stayed with her.

(More on See pictures of a Mandarin school in Minneapolis)

Technically, that qualifies as a felony since she falsified records, and Judge Patricia Cosgrove sentenced her to two concurrent five-year prison sentences. She suspended the sentence, though, in favor of a 10-day jail sentence, 80 hours of community service and three years probation. She had been working as a teaching assistant for special needs children and earning a teaching degree, but since she is now a convicted felon, under Ohio law she cannot earn that degree.

The conviction has caused outrage among many who advocate change and improvement in education, particularly for the poor and disadvantaged minority communities. Syracuse University professor Boyce Watkins took to the blogosphere to openly voice his outrage.

"There is no logical reason on earth why this mother of two should be dehumanized by going to jail and be left permanently marginalized from future economic and educational opportunities, he wrote on his blog. "Even if you believe in the laws that keep poor kids trapped in underperforming schools, the idea that this woman should be sent to jail for demanding educational access is simply ridiculous."

The website has launched a petition in support of reduction on appeal of Williams-Bolar's conviction, and have started a Twitter campaign on it.

Both girls, now aged 16 and 12, attended schools in Copley-Fairlawn from August 2006 to June 2008, but now attend school elsewhere, according to the Akron Beacon-Journal.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

GOP: Vote To Select Which Photo John Boehner Should Use When Speaking For Us!

GOP releases memo: Fellow Americans, John Boehner is known as a big sissy- crybaby, but, don't forget, he is OUR sissy- crybaby. (You ought to see  him when he doesn't get his way.)

Vote to see which photo should be on all official GOP correspondence.

Photo a             Photo b             both photos
Photo a
                                                                          Photo b